Tuesday, December 22, 2009

End game.

Started watching the fourth season of Smallville yesterday. Man the ending for the third season was intense so it surprised me to see so much skin from the actors in the fourth. Were their ratings starting to slip or something. I'm for as much bare skin as the next guy, it just seemed odd and disappointing.

CARGO LARGO SCORE!: Ain't nothing like finding a pillow case covered with the confederate flag. I found myself making sure I went to a Caucasian cashier that day.

Reading Rainbow

Picked up the King's new book he's been having on the back burning almost his entire career.

Halfway through Koontz's The Husband. Major plot twist just happened that turned my stomach. Hard to tell but that King book is over a thousand pages long.


Pre-registered, now making final preparations for everything.

I am really only interested in seeing Dazzle Vision, Maria wants to hit up the dealers. Also hope to experience what the HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR is all about.


Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Been wanting this game since it's release but held off due to budget restraints but I was fumbling around gamestop.com this afternoon and saw a trade in deal I could not pass. 2 select trades and get nSMBWii for only$9.99. GameStop's trade program is shit and people get taken for a ride but I had to take advantage of this.

Once GhostHunters is over tonight, I plan on playing this shit till I pass out. Also want to get down on this multiplayer co-op action but I'm assuming you need friends for that.

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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

激しさと、この胸の中で絡み付いた灼熱の闇 [LISTEN]

Hell yes! A new single in time for Christmas. Got a listen to it and I have to share my views.

Ok, yeah it's new and I am not comfy with anything new at all right off the bat, and this song was no different. I actually got bored with it half way through and was reaching over with my mouse to the hit NEXT(blasphemer?)but someone did something funky at the 2:30 mark and got me to stick around. I'm a sucker for funky guitar sounds. Also Kyo threw in a nice voice moment around 4:00. Redemption baby.

Nice and chunky..it had that Slipknot roll to the guitars that I fucking love...when are they going to tour together?

蝕紅 (Shot In One Take)
OMG! I could not get the headphones loud enough to satisfy my ears . Beautifully done. Fucking band has their shit together.

Final call: 4 out of 5 bleeding ears

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Walmart score!

Found these beauts in the clearance section. Now what to use them for. Maybe my tax & 401K info. Gotta keep it professional.

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Going to try to hit up some of these spots. I really want to find that 'freak' shirt I wore when I was in DC ages ago and redo some of my pictures from the previous visit. TIME WARP!

Monday, November 09, 2009

Diamonds and pollen and Coma White

Fresh off the getaway we land in another one of Maria's family outings. This time her sister's birthday was being celebrated at the amazing Chinese buffet house China One.

Mark kicks off with two plates. This guy isn't messing around.

A good shot of about half the crew.

Later on that night we played some good ol fashion Team Fortress Classic. Days long ago of 56k internet, 30 minute map downloading and high ping kicks. NeoTF forever baby!!

I missed the release for the Left4Dead 2 demo, so played that for awhile. I'm such a crotch grabber.

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Today was my first day back to work after some time off. Ran into this awesome piece of work on the side of the store. Sadly, at the end of the day it was all painted over.

By far the best one yet, except this feller looks too damn giddy. Also that bat logo needs to shed some pounds. Damn.

Haha, also today by the time clock I saw this notice. I call this the Joseph Restriction Decree enacted after that stint I pulled last holidays that got everyone up in arms.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Best birthday surprise!

Got the surprise of a lifetime with an unannounced visit from my sister to be with me on my birthday.


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Monday, October 19, 2009

Ego scales my skin.

[Good things from the USPS]


One set of concert tickets. The other set is going to be lame ass will call. Still waiting on that ultra cool VIP authorized shirt. *yawn*

My awesome sponsor level* T-Shirt. Could they have used a more bland font? Wowzers.

The hippiesk pin that come along with it. I can dig it.


Also GH: Van Halen arrived today. This officially surpasses GH:Metallica. Personally I think this is the best release Guitar Hero has put out. This is just my biased opinion, carry on.


Side note: Trent Reznor was married over the weekend.
[@dannylohner: goths the world over will mourn this day- off to a wedding....]


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Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Suicide in ailse 9, bring a mop."

The other morning I stumbled across these well put together advertisements advocating suicide awareness. These are pretty bad ass, better than that idiotic Christian rhetoric I sometimes find left on top of the urinal.

I found them all over the place, but the one place I loved finding them at was in the liquor department. One liquor salesman was furious and demanding they be removed for he claimed, the depressed population was his bread and butter. This guy's great.
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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

¡Más pinatas!

Apparently I was wrong about these things not being a 'hit' at the store. Another bizarre shipment has arrived.

¡EspojaBob EsquareyPants!
¿Dónde está la Bikini Bottom?

Yeah, I'm feeling your "O" mouth SpongeBob. Just what is that? Rocket? Cake? Muff?

Reject character from an old Atari game?

Boy with stubby arms can't play his guitar. I feel for thi...wait..what...WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING DOING TO THAT BOY?!?!
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Friday, September 25, 2009

That voice of yours may praise me now, But one day it will come to curse me too

*starting up GnR's November Rain*

I have that amazing deva vu feeling right now. Last year as soon as I bought everything for Vegas, both Kaya and Dir en grey announced their plans to come to America. Luckily I had some good time to gather money and make all three events a reality. Now here's 2009 and Kaya is making a miraculous return to America in November again and I take care of that whole situation and I am thinking I'm on easy street. Me being a naive boy has Dir en grey completely out of my mind. "Oh, to hell with them, no way they'll tour America this year." Then came that nonsense about a Brazilian festival show. Little weird......then came the Ticketmaster Houston fiasco which was about a week before the Brazil date. I was so confused. How the hell were they going to be in the southern US then hopscotch to Brazil. Serously I was thinking it was an error like that crazy Ticketmaster fuckup sometime early last year. I was all wrong(nothing new there) and now here they come again. Actually I believe they've done right for themselves by limiting their stops and sticking around where the money is good i.e. NYC, LA. I would have donated my right testicle to be able to see them in NY, but goddamn JAY-Z has closed that door for me.


Nov 2 20097:00P
Warehouse LiveHouston, Texas
Nov 3 20097:00P
TreesDallas, Texas
Nov 8 20091:00P
Chácara do JockeySão Paulo, São Paulo
Nov 11 20097:00P
The Blender Theatre at Gramercy [NIGHT 1]New York City, New York
Nov 13 20097:00P
The Blender Theatre at Gramercy [NIGHT 2]New York City, New York
Nov 14 20097:00P
The Blender Theatre at Gramercy [NIGHT 3]New York City, New York
Nov 16 20096:00P
The MetroChicago, Illinois
Nov 18 20097:00P
The Gothic TheatreEnglewood, Colorado
Nov 20 20098:00P
House of Blues (Sunset Strip) [NIGHT 1]West Hollywood, California
Nov 22 20097:00P
House of Blues (Sunset Strip) [NIGHT 2]West Hollywood, California
Nov 23 20097:00P
The FillmoreSan Francisco, California
[>Right here I was going to insert some funny Kanye West gag about how Miyavi was having one of the best world tours ever but I just saw the numerous American shows prematurely announced has been reduced to just three. Ouch!<]

I could only do the beta dates. Still don't see what's so exciting about Texas to be honest with you. One of the venues also has some age restriction which is making some of the young all up in arms on Twitter. These shows could totally be shaved off their tour, so a little uneasy about my decision to go this route. Chicago and Denver were just too insane and LA isn't happening because I'll be trying to hump Kaya's leg that weekend. Just hope he doesn't pull a Reznor. Would be crushed.

All in all this is going to be great, so says the oddly colored daises. Be on the lookout for Red, she's going to all (-Br) the shows!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Catering to the growing Mexican population and the human desire to beat shit apart and expect something sweet to happen, our store is now selling these B-movie pinatas.

Hello Alley Cat

Boy who needs Bath

Donde está mis manos y pantalones Bear

...and my personal favorite, Raiden!

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

I just want something I can never have

Photo albums and a youtube playlist of videos from the weekend trip to Los Angeles to watch NIN play at the Wiltern that never came to fruition. The show was rescheduled due to an illness that struck Trent Reznor a few days prior to the slated September 5th date. Though I was plagued by a furious anger I kept bottled upped for a week, I have let that shit go.


L.A.'s going to eat you alive!! [Day1]

L.A.'s going to eat you alive!! [Day2(+appendage)]

2009-09-04thru05 [LA IS A BUST]through the operator's eyes*

A special thank you needs to extended once again to Alex who rescued both me and Mark from the brink of depression and isolation. Nothing would have been accomplished without your L.A. knowhow.