Freaker's Ball
October 29th 2003
[Stolen from Maria's blog]
Marilyn Manson's show last night in KC was canceled after 3 songs yesterday. I wanted to clarify why before you hear someone start blaming Marilyn Manson. I was in the very front on the barricade so I know exactly want happened. Seether came out and I started to feel the barricade cave in the middle but I don't know why the crew didn't fix it then before it broke all the way. After Seether a lot of people where struggling and pushing their way up. A guy from the rock radio station came out and told us there was supposedly 40,000 people (but the news said later there was only 10,400) and he said this was the Freaker's Ball that sold the most tickets in KC. So Marilyn came out and played "the new shit " and there was some dumb ass fat dude who looked like a deformed Andre the giant screaming "Twiggy!" the whole time pushing everyone. So after that song Marilyn left the stage and the lights came back on and a big black guy, I think it was Manson's body guard came out and told everyone the barricade was broken (on Tim Skold's side, I was on John5 's side) so they told everyone to move back so they could fix it but no one would move so they kept telling everyone to move and then Marilyn came out and said something like "You don't want to listen to this mother fucker" (referring to the radio guy pleading with everyone to move "i don't want any of you to die , there are a lot of people I want to die but none of you because I love you " and then he left the stage and they "fixed" it and Marilyn came back out after like 15 minutes and did "Disposable Teens" and he said after that song "Kansas City! I am just as sorry as you, you had to wait so long it's just like when you put your dick in a girl's ass and then you have to stop because your mom came in the room but now. we. and their is a lot of girls including that nun (nun was showing breasts) that are behaving like dirty whores and i like that that's my kind of people. Let me see your middle fingers in the air. use you fiiissst and not your moooouttth" then he busted into "use your fist" during that song the barricade on my side started breaking and the crew was struggling to hold the barricade back and after that song Marilyn just drooped the mic and walked off stage and then they said they where going to fix it and they where tying a strap thing on it and and then fucking people started to throw glass beer bottles at the stage (stupid dumb drunks!) and so they dropped the back drop of the stage and the banners and they told everyone to go home and they showed some stupid firework's like it is suppose to make up for Manson. Then some dumb ass dudes start breaking the barricade and there was like a million cops spraying a bunch a pepper spay at the crowd telling them to go home and they where cocking their rifles and pointing them at the crowd and people where yelling at the cops and throwing stuff on stage and they kept spaying pepper spray to make everyone leave.
So it was understandable why Marilyn left it wasn't his fault, it was the venue people who tried to sell a bunch of tickets in a place that the barricade couldn't hold so many people. He would have came back out if they didn't start throwing glass beer bottles on the stage. that would have freaked me out to if I was Marilyn. Oh well, so if you are looking to sell your Marilyn Manson shirt with tour dates on the back in xtra large please contact me.
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