"All of the people in your party have died. Press SPACE BAR to continue."
So i think it was an 10 hour drive to Portland from San Francisco. We were on our way right after we left the beach. I don't think anything interesting happened during the drive there[I just remember this rest stop were the items in there were dirt cheap. What can I say, I'm a cheap ass!]. I was probably sleeping most of the way. I was looking through my pictures and didn't really take any, but the first interesting thing that happened was a stop at this gas station somewhere in Oregon. I think it was really late at night maybe 3 in the morning. Joe was trying to fill up with gas as usual and this old man came running out and kinda freaked us out. Well he was a nice old man but he informed us that it is illegal to pump your own gas in the state of Oregon! We thought that was crazy. I felt like i was in some old time gas station he pumped our gas a washed our windows. He also told us there was no sales tax in the state either. We were amazed by that and Joseph wanted to test that out.[I learned a lot about Jim the friendly service man's life in that five minute conversation he was having with me. I felt bad so I tipped him. Not sure if that was an insult.]
So a few hours later we arrived at the venue.
We got there around 5am and we saw someone already sitting out there. So we went ahead and started waiting in line.
We came from behind the building and saw the sign

They had misspelled the bands name. That was a funny mistake.[I hope Dir en grey took video of the marque and it ends up on a bloopers reel.]
So the girl who was already waiting there was really nice. Joe did all the talking to her. We seemed to have a lot in common. It was weird because she just seemed like a happier version of me. She was one of the coolest people I have met waiting in line. She was about our age and was really interesting, she was a truck driver and had plenty of interesting things to talk about. So she kept us entertained during the long wait.
So no one really showed up early. We also encountered a Native American man who thought we were just bums sitting on the stoop. He sat and talked to us for a long time. He told us about his problems and was hinting to us that he was trying to sell his crappy art to us. He also informed us that Oregon grows the best "weed" and asked if he had any. Since he did drugs I did not offer to buy one of his dream catchers but i was really considering it as a souvenir. He kinda reminded me of Joe's friend we were with because he had this goofy laugh. That was worth mentioning.

Here i am in front of the door. i had to move because the staff were coming in and out

Kids started trickling in around 11 am. There was a girl who was cool, who came with this other girl I had a problems with later but first I will talk about this girl. She was young and we were kinda talking. She was friendly and wanted to play some cards I declined because I told her I am a sore loser[Oh, the horror stories I have to back this up] but she played with Joseph and the other girl who was there first (Alex). They played a few funny games but they played this game called "bullshit" and Joesph dominated it and pulled this bad ass move and won the game[That's right, four queens bitches!]. It was pretty fun to watch them.
So then her friend started trying to get in front of the door. I can remember at first I thought she had a mental problem because she was talking really funny, but later I heard her explaining she had a lisp, but I am still sure she might have been retarded because her mom was with her and becuase of her rudeness.

The one in the gray sweater is her, She put her bags in front of the door when we were trying to form a line on the side of the building. i know she was trying to cut because
Alex had said something like, "I am getting in first"
and then that bitch said " well I am the one by the door"
alex: "well I was here first"
then the bitch said "I don't care"
That was when things started getting tense. It was so fun before that. There was only about 10 people waiting and a few were gone for a few hours so I didn't say anything about the disorderly line. So around 1pm the ten people came back so i started getting nervous about the cluster in front of the door and expected more people to show up soon so I went ahead and made my move and told everyone to start forming a line on the side of the building. They hesitated and the lisp bitch acted like she was deaf but eventually everyone started lining up. So everything was cool and I was glad I had them line up properly and the line was were it should be but then I left the line to put my jacket back in the car and Joe came and followed me and I was like "Why did you leave the line is going to get fucked up again" but he assured me it was fine and he walked me to the "fred myer" bathroom. we brought some tax free sushi ( i hate sushi) and of course when I came back the line was super jacked up again. and I was like what the fuck! and the girls behind me were like "They told us to move down" So I was fucking pissed but I didn't say anything but I was obviously pissed.
I also have to mention this one fugly bitch i wish i took a picture of her but she was talking about how she was
" Goth before goth and emo before emo." (she said alot of other stupid shit)
I thought that was funny because she was just some fugly looking geek. She wasn't even goth or emo she was just geeky looking. [No I think she just ahead of the curve. Geeky before geeky. You just wait it'll be the new thing before long] Alex had said the geeky bitch pulled out a buch of condoms which she was joking about because it was funny because a guy would have to be fucking desperate to have sex with her.
My sister luckly called me and I left the line to cool off and talk to her. I was talking to her as I watched the crew unloading and Kyo's double roadie walked right past me I think he was looking at me because I might have been talking too loud or maybe he thought I was talking to myself.
Well whatever, I think people started showing up around 5pm.[I was amazed by the lack of people even The Human Abstract's keyboard player was making a desperate plea with those waiting in line to call all there friends and tell them to come down. It must have been weird for hum not to see the usually line around the block by 3 in the afternoon.] The line was still wacky but all I knew was that I was going to get in after Alex even if was was going to have to punch or whatever and I usually don't let Joe's friend Orlando cut but I went ahead and let him because I was like fuck it, other people are. He had been drinking in the bar area and was obviously drunk but we made him stay with us because Joe needed to get the will call ticket to him.
Then right before doors open we find out that we can't get our will call tickets until the doors open which meant people would get in before us as we had to delay for our tickets, so to make a complicated story short we ended up having to buy another ticket. So fuck will call FUCK PREORDER I WILL NEVER PREORDER TICKETS AGAIN![Yeah getting your will call order tickets before the doors opened was pretty hit or miss on the tour, I don't think I'll get them again. They may be cheaper but the worry of not getting in fairly isn't worth it]
(I also brought some tamales from some strangers walking around selling them, they were good)[Goddamn Mexicans!]
Well finally to the good fucking news, outside Alex had been saying she thought the venue didn't have a barricade. I thought she was full of shit, but when we got in it was obvious. NO FUCKING BARRICADE.
I could touch the stage and the place was fucking small. It was smaller than the Beaumont Club. it was fucking amazing. I was in the center the best spot in the house!
someone posted pictures and i can see me and joe in it, kinda to give an idea of where we were at.

You can see the top of my hat. I am fucking short
But we were so fucking close. [It was like having a press pass.]
When the first band came out me and Alex kept getting slapped in the face by the microphone cord. The singer also smelled and when the drummer head banged I got his sweat on me, it was nasty!
Eventually they started to set up for Dir en grey and we thought they would put Kyo's stand further back, but fuck no! They put it right in front of my fucking face! I reached out and touched it, it was cold and wet like it had been outside. Then others started touching it. I was fucking ready to see this shit super up close and personal!
So i will go ahead and post [A LOT!]video screen shots.

here is my set list, honestly i was so close i didn't want to be rude and put my camera in Kyo's face but i did when he wasn't looking. i might post video in the future.
But here are some screen shots.[A LOT!]

In this picture I was touching Toshiya's pants!

Int this picture Toshiya leaned back into the crowd

i was touching Kyo's microphone.

WOW I uploaded alot[Yes, you did.]. Well the show was fucking great. The best concert of my life! Dare i say better then touching Manson? Fuck yeah!
I got Kyo's sweat on me and I was able to touch him when he was doing his asom unplugged I just rubbed his leg. I saw other people rubbing his tiger tatoo and I wanted to but I was scared to but when i finally thought "fuck it , I'll do it" he moved and I couldn't reach it :( That was the only time i touched him, I didn't want to molest him.
I remember one time I am not sure what song but he put one foot on the stand and a bunch of people grabbed it then it looked like he rolled his eyes then pulled it back. I must also mention that his tattoos were so crisp and clear I could see the detail in them so well I was amazed. I thought I could see them so well in St. Louis but no, I really saw them here!
Toshiya was bad ass! He came up close and i rubbed his leg and rubbed his bass. He also leaned back into the crowd during the last song. I might be posting the video of that soon because it was bad ass!
Joe told me when Toshiyo was head banging at one point Joe's fingers got tangled in his hair. When Kyo was head banging that close I had to move my hand because I didn't want to smack Kyo in the face. He was banging pretty hard.
I saw a Kaoru pick right in front of Joe on the stage and I pointed to it and told joe to grab it, as he did some girl tried to get it but Joe was fighting her hand and I just swooped in[Like a fucking hawk] and grabbed it myself! Finally, I had gotten a Kaoru pick!
Oh yeah there was a dude just in back of me who kept rubbing his dick on my ass but I was like oh well that shit happens but then later he started putting his hand down my pants! I turned around in a punching motion and I was like "what the fuck are you doing!" I was about to beat his ass. He was just like "Sorry, sorry" I think it was the bitch who kept saying "mushi, mushi"
Also Joe's friend Orlando got pulled out and was on the stage with the band for a second that was pretty funny.[Wonder how many times that's happend in their career.]
At the very end Kyo just set his mic down and I rubbed the part he screams into. No one else seemed interested in touching it but I kept rubbing it and I pulled it forward a little because someone behind me wanted to touch it too.
I kept rubbing it till Kyo's Clone roadie came and put it into some fancy silver box.
Ok well that was a amazing show! Afterward Joe heard the translator yelling and asking who stole Toshiya's bandanna.
Someone stole his bandanna! It was hanging out his back pocket, I think they stole his belt too, I am not sure.
Well I waited after the show to see who was signing hoping but doubting it would be Kyo but no, I think it was Shinya and Toshiya, we just decided to leave.
After the show I was going to go take a poster that was hanging in the bar but Joe's friend Orlando already got it for me. So after this amazing show we were on our way to Seattle. I didn't get any contact info from Alex but somehow she found us through youtube later.
Seattle was a 4 hour drive so we planned to do early check in at the hotel when we got there so we can shower before the show.
NEXT: Emerald City

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