So I am suppose to talk about going to see Dir en grey in those cities but I must mention first of all is that Mysterious died. Three days after I got back from the shows he died. He was getting old and I had been expecting it but the circumstances of his death were kind of weird. When I came back from our trip I first noticed no water was in their water dish. Which is what I asked my mom to do. What a cunt! She said she did but I doubt it. My ferrets came running out when I refilled it!
Mysterious was in bad shape, he could barley walk. He also had these scars on his feet and a chipped tooth! I was pissed and my mom swears noone was messing with my ferrets. Then later I noticed Lily's whiskers were cut off and my other ferret DS had hair missing on his tail so I yelled at her about that too. She tried to blame it on my brother and nephew. I am still not sure how all this shit happened and I really have no way to prove anyone did anything but I wouldn't doubt my mom did this shit to them on purpose because she is nuts. She likes the fucking drama. She also had GArY over here all week , supposebly to fix the bathroom floor but he did a fucking shit job on it. He had a whole week and all he did was put linoleum tiles over the old damaged floor. He didn't even pull out the old floor. He did a shit job!! Fuck that bitch! *STAB*
Well back to mysterious. He was seriously the best ferret, he was so loving and stayed out of trouble. When I first got him back in 03 I remember calling him ugly all the time like it was his name because I thought he looked weird but later he was known as the KING because he could do what he wanted and i do whatever he wanted. he survived a surgery a few years ago and I am glad to have gotten those extra years with him.

Talking about him makes me sad . He died on Fri. Dec. 12. I took him to get cremated Sat. and just got him back Wednesday. So now all I have left are Lily and DS. I hope noone asks me how many ferrets I have now. I would just sadly say 2.
So I guess I can talk about Dir en Grey shows. I can say the experience was fun. The long ass drive was not but I slept alot but poor Joseph was the one who had to stay awake the whole time.[THERE WAS ONE MOMENT THOUGH WHEN I WAS DRIVING BACK FROM DENVER AND I WOKE UP WHILE DRIVING AND I WAS STARING AT THE CAR'S DOME LIGHT!!] The trip was about 6,000 miles.

We left after Joe had been working all day to get the rental car. The car was khaki colored and had Maryland plates. It was kinda like a station wagon where you can see inside through the trunk so Joe was worried our shit would get stolen just by breaking the window[DODGE CALIBER. I THOUGHT IT LOOKED LIKE A HORSE FOR SOME REASON]. We were on our way around 7pm the first thing I remember was getting lost in Lincoln, Nebraska. It was dark and we had just purchased some food and I think the huge burger distracted Joe. If we were lost this early no telling how many other times we would get lost but we eventually figured it out after a panic attack from Joe.[I HAVE NO RECOLLECTION OF THIS EVENT]
We continued on driving though the entire state of Nebraska. It seem like everytime I woke up I was in Nebraska. It took forever to drive through it.
The next interesting thing was running into snow in Wyoming. Joe and I saw a SUV run off the road and flip over into a ditch and it landed right side up again. We kept driving because it freaked Joe out.[MAN I RIGHT BEHIND THIS VEHICLE BY ABOUT 70 FEET ALL THE CARS ON THAT ROAD ARE DOING ABOUT 55MPH, THERE'S BLOWING SNOW. ALL OF A SUDDEN THIS THING STARTS SWIRVING..OMG!..AFTER THAT EVERYONE REDUCED THEIR SPEED TO ABOUT 30] Now that I think about it i guess I should have done something because there were probably kids inside the car.
We would run into some more crazy wyoming weather as we can back around.[YES, WE'LL TALK ABOUT THAT ANOTHER TIME. ALL I CAN SAY IS FUCK THAT STATE!]
We stopped at a lot of rest stops. They were probably the most interesting part of driving.
Welcome to Utah!

Interesting picture that reminds us of a nine inch nails background during the show when they sung 'In this twilight'.

That place really exists in Wyoming?
The snow that caused the accident.

It wasn't too bad.
We ran into a shit load of mountians.

The "mountains are nice"

Somewhere at a Utah reststop.

Strange little guy is Joes friend who came with us but only went to 2 shows.

Weird little houses that camoed with the mountains.

More mountains

Finally on the nevada border RENO Mcdonalds.

Last restop in nevada

I tried to take a picture of the sacramento sign

This isn't the Golden Gate. This is a toll bridge.

We drove through sacramento and i wanted to get my brother a gift from there so I made Joe stop because he was being a bitch about stopping because it was super foggy. We ended up stopping at a walmart and getting stuff for him. but it was foggy and Joe couldn't figure out how to get back on the highway. Enjoy your mug Mark, it almost got us killed![THIS STUFF WAS SUPER FOG YOU COULDN'T SEE MORE THAN TEN FEET IN FRONT OF YOUS. IT WAS LIKE DRIVING BLIND. THANK GOD FOR THOSE LITTLE REFLECTORS ALNG THE ROAD OR I'D NEVER KNOWA CURVE WAS COMING. AFTER GOING TO THIS WALMART I'D TRIED TO GET GAS FROM A GAS STATION DOWN THE STREET BUT IT WAS CLOSED, I STILL NEEDED TO TAKE A LEAK SO I WAS WALKING AWAY FROM THE CAR, I TOOK 10 STEPS TURNED AROUND AND THE CAR WAS GONE!! THIS FOG WAS INSANE!]
So we finally make it to San Francisco, California Sunday. The day of the show around 5am. There was like 10 people in front of us. This [W]itch came around and numbered people and I was number 19 because the [M]asses in front of us were holding spots for other people. It was a pleasant wait. I really didn't hear any of that pronunciation of the band name argument or down talking lolita's. People actually complemented a lolita dressed girl. I was surprised. I usually hear, "Why the fuck would you wear that to a concert!". It was blazing sunshine the whole day. People were putting on suntan lotion. That's Ca. weather for you. We were in a busy downtown area so there was plenty to look at while waiting in line. Crazy smelly bumbs ranting and being entertaining. I also saw a lot of Asian people. I rarely see Asian people around my city. ( including Sexy Authentic's) i think they were tourists. Their was Japan Town very close by Joe went to, yes he left me in line alone again.[WHAT'S THAT COMMERCIAL..something..WHERE YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN, BUT NOT ALONE]
Here is a picture of the line.

We were at the yellow arrow.Joe took picture while he was gone


Weird houses like on Full House

Japan town stuff

So about showtime like around 3 we checked into the hotel. We had Orlando hold our spot for 30 minutes. The hotel was in walking distance so we came back and he went back to the hotel and we never saw him again![HE IS MEXICAN 5'1, BEARD 110 lbs LAST SEEN WEARING BLACK JEANS AND AN ICED EARTH TSHIRT THERE IS NO REWARD FOR INFORMATION]
I also wanted to mention some stupid shit I over heard some bitches say.[OH NO, HER SHE GOES!!] I heard one bitch say something about how if she had the band sign her deluxe edition of the album it would ruin the value of it. That was retarded and then I heard another one say, "I didn't see Dir en grey on Family Values because I couldn't appreciate their music then.". That is just fucking stupid. Like is she saying they weren't good enough back then? I don't get it.
There was also this cool goofy Asian guy with an acoustic guitar who was singing and playing "cage" outside the line, he was pretty cool.[YES INDEED HE WAS SPOT ON..I THINK HE IS AN ARTIST OUT THERE MAYBE I SAW HIM..NEVERMIND....BUT ANYWHO, MORE EVEIDENCE THAT MORE ACOUSTIC GUITARS NEED TO BE BROKEN OUT AT LINE FOR CONCERTS]
Eventually we got in and after all the cutters and the meet and greet kids and the bitch in the wheel chair who let 10 people in with her first. We ended up on Die's side and lucky fucking me i ended up next to some fucking crazy bitch. This is her!

She was going fucking crazy and her fat ass arm kept getting in my face. The girl behind me even told her to calm the fuck down so I let the girl behind me get between us because I wanted to get the fuck away from her. She was shaking like she was having an orgasm.[SHE WAS REALLY QUAKING LIKE SHE WAS EXPERIENCING AN ORGASM. THAT OR SHE LOOKED LIKE THOSE MORONS WHO SHAKE WHEN THEY THINK THEY ARE BEING TOUCHED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT] I felt embarrassed for her. She also ruined Glass Skin because she dropped her cd and made the security look for it and she kept complaining and when Kyo was doing some quiet solo stuff. She kept screaming "Smile for us Die!!!." "Look over here Die!!!!" "You're sexy Die!!!!!"
Die doesn't want you fat nasty ass! Shut the fuck up! She did it during parts your suppose to SHUT THE FUCK UP on.
The only thing stopping me from punching her was the fact I was going to more shows and they would be better. So this is only the first bitch I encountered I almost hurt.[THERE WILL BE MORE] She was fucking lucky she got away without harm, but anyways the show was cool. Seeing Conceived Sorrow the second time around isn't as emotion as the first time. There were feedback problems also and I thought the vocals were a bit low.
I took video and actually got asked by security if i was taking video i of course said no and continued on.

This is my set list after I labeled the videos. I might of spelled shit wrong but whatever I know what they are.
I might post video of how that bitch ruined some songs when I have time and find a good editing program.
I took a bunch of screen shots.

There's that camera guy from PMX. It was nice hearing his life's story before the show.

Hard to narrow down the screen shots but this was also the show as I turned around as we left, I found a Die pick on the floor. It magically appeared in front of me. We waited in line for the meet I think this show was die and Kaoru so I had them sign the cd Toshiya and Shinya signed in St. Louis so I have 4 autographs on 2 cd's now. I saw that bitch I hate as I was leaving but I was in a good mood so I let her be. So the first show was a success, we went home and slept. We had an extra day so we all walked around town. We went to Japan Town and it was pretty gay.
Here I am in front of some monument

Joe said he saw the girl and her friend who was next to me here (bitch that pissed me off)
He said they saw him and crossed the street real fast. I saw them after they had crossed and I was like, "dude let me go "talk" to them but Joe refused and forced me into the mall.
We went to the mall place and I felt so much like a tourist it was quiet and awkward all these old Asian people scared me like I thought they were going to yell at me. We went into some over priced shops and I bought an Animal Crossing plush and Gloomy bear coin purse. We looked in a dvd shop and I went to the porn section to see if i can buy some good idol videos. Nothing good there, then we went to a place with these knockoff items I was expecting to be cheap but they were expensive as fuck.
We took some cheesy picture in the mall

Well Japan Town sucked so I was like I want some mexican food thinking it would be good in Ca. So we went to some place called the big burrito or something but it wasn't very good. Then we tried to leave to see if we could see the beach. There was some crazy drivers on the way there and my brother wanted some sand from the beach. So we stopped when we finally saw it and saw a bunch more Asian tourists. We had to walk down this long ass path to get to it. What first struck me was the strong fish smell I had never been to the beach before so this was my first time.

Creepy Asian girl coming out the cave

We went in the cave and this was on the other side

The cave was cool there was this big hole in the middle where the waves came in I almost got blown back by them it was kinda scary, I can't swim.
There was a pond and I had Joe go back up that big ass hill to get some bread to feed them.

As I waited by the ocean some kid came out of nowhere and was talking to me. He said he was new and wanted to know what the place was. I was confused by the question and told him i'm a tourist. Later he came back and told me the area used to be a bathhouse in the 70's
So we were trying to feed these black ducks and out on nowhere we were ambused by a shit load of seagulls.
they were making these laughing noises and catching food in midair. it was fun.

We killed alot of time there and then we went back on the road next we were driving down to Portland. Portland was the best fucking show of all!!!!! There was no barricade and I touched KYO AND TOSHIYA !!! It was amazing but I will post that shit up later.

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