I better write about my trip before I forget.
I just got back from seeing Schwarz Stein at AnimeUSA. Another band I never thought I would see.
[This is the truth. I almost broke the bank to fly to Japan back in 2011 when they played a 10 year anniversary show thinking this would be the ONLY concert. Instead, I opted for a $50 shit DVD of the performance. :D Worth every yen.
SIDENOTE: Anyone see PLC’s 15th ann. vid?? Cheesy shit had my teary eyed.*looks up*
My discovery of Schwarz Stein was back in 2005, the good ol’ Bush years. BearShare search went from Malice Mizer>Moi dix Mois>Schwarz Stein. Do you remember how expensive CD-R’s were?]
First found out about it in late August and went ahead and bought Sponsor badges which ended up being $250 for both of us! We hesitated to buy plane tickets because AnimeUSA didn’t officially announce it until a couple weeks later. We were on edge till then because we didn't know if it was real or not.
[You can always trust Hora]
Finally @animeusa officially announced guests Schwarz Stein and we purchased our plane tickets and made reservations at a nearby Days Inn. Going with the Days Inn instead of the Marriott saved us like $300. I don’t know what kind of deal they were trying to sell with their “Con rate” but it was still expensive.
[AnimeUSA moved their con from Crystal City at the Hilton, which I attended in 2009(to see KAYA!!!), to the Marriott in DC. I hated that fact because hotel rates are expensive in DC but forgave AnimeUSA because I thought they were expanding because of growth. I unfortunately don’t believe that to be the case after witnessing the convention this year.
Next they announce Schwarz Stein VIP add-on passes.
[Everything has DLC! Thanks capitalism!!]
So add on an extra $80 for both of us and we were all set. This was said to give you a photo with the band and priority access to their show. So at this point our Sponsor badges were looking like a waste of moolah.
Then they throw in something about a Kaya tea party!
They didn’t make them available right away so we were stressing on getting them. [THE GODDAMN STRESS!] I refreshed the website daily and I might have been the first to buy them. They were for $50 each! Bam!! SOLD!!! I got them before they had a chance to announce they were available. We were unclear on what exactly they were, because even the Con wasn't specific about it at the time of purchase. Eventually they said
“This authentic Lolita-style tea party will include a tea service with a selection of pastries and a chanson performance in an intimate setting for attendees. Only 60 seats will be available.
Dress code: Lolita or black tie attire strongly suggested!”
Sounded like a unique experience. We are dreading the dressing up part but we gotta do what we gotta do.
Off to the thrift store!
[Who doesn’t love the thrift?!]
We found some decent clothes for Joe to wear. I decided to design my dress on ArtsCow. They had just emailed me about their new skater dress. I thought it would work well as a lolita dress. I just needed to add a little lace here and there and it worked well.
Skipping ahead to Thursday, Oct. 2 we catch an early 6am flight to DC. on US Airways. Tiny plane transporting a bitch ass flight attendant with a fucking attitude. Your job is so fucking hard serving me soda….Boo-fucking-hoo, bitch. The flight was actually very turbulent and super rainy and foggy outside, it had me worried. They had to delay the soda service for a while as the pilot announced he would try different altitudes.
[Coffee for life or DEATH!!]
The weather cleared up by the time we landed. Made our way by train to the hotel. [We need sophisticated rail in KC!!] We were too early to check in so they held our luggage while went on exploring the sites. Our first stop was to eat at Wok n’ Roll.
The stop was at Chinatown which was pretty much right next to the food place and the National Mall.
This was the reason we picked this place.
It was a small part of history.
We never had sushi before [B.S.], so we gave it a shot. I got some mixed platter while Joe ordered some Salmon Platter.
Holy mole, it was delicious! IDK WTF it was but damn I wanted more! Joe also had Green tea in preparation for the tea party, that shit was nasty.
[It carried the sweet essence of a House Cleaning aisle]
We had a lot planned that day so I was worried because I honestly cannot handle excessive walking. [Such a princess] We still had the whole weekend planned with things to do.
The first stop was at the Rotunda in the National Archives.
I hadn’t seen this yet. It was...ok. I hardly recognized what the documents were because they were so faded and unreadable. We bought a shirt with the Constitution on it along with a silly ass
Civil War Union army hat.
Our next stop was the National Gallery. This place had some nice stuff!
[Me trying to relate]
Some of the stuff we saw.
Shuffled around in here for a few hours. My feet were starting to hurt by the end.
We then walked by the Natural History museum so we decided to stop in. I wanted to see the dino-bones but it was under construction….boo! We just looked at the mummies and some fine taxidermy, but it was pretty much the same as we saw it before.
I wanted to rest there by the bones for a while, but Joe was really nagging me to leave. We started walking toward the Washington monument.
Saw some helicopters go by. We walked up to the Washington monument...SNOOZE…. we usually just walk pass it.
[There is always some sort of construction going on!]
Slowly made it to the WW2 fountain and rested. This is probably my favorite thing to see.
[This place is so beautiful. I could spend an entire day here.]
The reflecting pool had water in it this time. At this point I felt a bird shit on my back.
[First visit since ‘97 where H2O was present!]
So then we finally made it to the Lincoln memorial.
I was in so much pain by now and we still had to walk all the way back to the Smithsonian bus stop. We ended up lost in the Korean war memorial. Which somehow happens every time we come here. It was very dark by now with no lighting on the sidewalks. I listened to some Kaya music to make me forget about the pain.
Very long escalator to the train.
[All I could think about was playing some Fallout. BETTER DEAD THAN RED!!]
We got back to our hotel and ordered a pizza from some random flyer. It had Gyro meat on it! Sounded exciting but it was pretty much like a Sarpinos pizza.
The next day was Opening Ceremonies, Q&A and autographs. Still in pain we made it to the Marriott. We picked up our badges but no one knew anything about the Tea Party. We almost didn’t get our free pin, shotglass, or shirt until we asked for them. They were all confused.
[There was so much DLC this go around that I don’t believe the staff was informed properly about the addon packages. :( ]
We got there just in time for early access to the dealers room since we were sponsors. There were a million other sponsors in line for it to open too. So we didn't really get special treatment. Scoped out the dealers room...it was fucking lame! I remember when we came here for Kaya last time we were super broke and I saw a lot of good stuff in the dealers room That was the time when some girl said she bought a talking eternal sailor moon doll and I was super jelly.
This time it was just a bunch of shit I could get online for much cheaper. No vintage Sailor Moon items. I was going to buy the new larger version GE Sailor Moon plush but the bitch was too busy doing her makeup to answer my question of how much it was. Fucking bitch! Well she eventually told me she didn't know! WTF! You are behind the counter, how the fuck are you not going to know! I ended up buying some fox and squirrel Luigi plushies I have been wanting. That was the only thing I got in the dealers room.
We spot the Schwarz Stein booth and get what we can.
They had these sweet deals. If you spent $60 you got to take a cheki photo with the band.
If you bought a tour towel, you got to pick a “lucky” autographed cheki. You also got stickers when you bought any of their CD’s. This was a good deal since we planned on buying everything anyway. We bought 2 towels too.
These were all the cheki’s we got but four of them I bought later at the tea party.
So first was opening ceremonies.
I accidently took this photo when I was trying to take video.
The room was dead but I screamed very loud when they came and left the room. They looked in my direction when I screamed. It was really quick. We stayed for the whole thing. The power ranger guy was funny.
[These things are always weird because of the lackluster crowd.]
After this was the Q&A. They told us we had to give credit to the little white lady for bringing them here to the states. THANK YOU LITTLE WHITE LADY!!
The Q&A was awesome Hora was fucking funny! I didn't expect that. Maybe I can find a transcribed somewhere.
[Hora stole the show that weekend. He was an oversea virgin and hadn't been burned out by the foreign scene….yet]
Found this on facebook
Do you guys like Baby metal? (My question lol)
Both: Yes
Kaya: yes *does hand signs* kawaii!
What traits do you like about each other
Kaya:*smacks him and laughs* ...really?
[This had me cracking up and changed the way I thought about Hora. Good times.]
Hora: Softness and detail
Kaya: Everything
Hora: *In English* "He's a liar"
Kaya: I like that he writes songs for me to sing to.
Did you buy shoes in DC?
Hora: I went to foot locker and (another store) And looked at some Air Jordan's but didn't buy anything, maybe another time.
If you could be reborn as a woman would you do it?
Kaya: I just want to be Kaya.
Hora: I want to be Kaya too.
Will you be my drag mother so I can learn to be as fabulous as you?
Kaya: *laughs* Sure!
What kind of themes are Schwarz Stein going to explore in the future?
Kaya: Tell us what you want to hear and we will consider it for you.
Why did Schwarz Stein get back together?
Kaya: Hora suggested it, because the fans would always ask. Whenever I would play shows all around the world people would always ask
when are we getting back together.
Will Hora be at the tea party on Sunday? What is Kaya going to wear?
Kaya: No he will be sightseeing.
Hora: If anyone wants to ride bikes with me let me know. *makes biking gestures* (He rode the ride share bikes)
Kaya: I will be dressed in Lolita but it will be darker to fit with theme of Schwarz Stein.
Boxers or briefs?
Hora: Boxers. Kaya wears (Japanese thong)
Kaya: No no! *laughs* I'll leave that to your imagination.
Favorite author?
Kaya: Hagio Moto, although I think her work is only known in Japan.
Hora: The author of Slam dunk
Video games?
Hora: Grand theft auto,
Kaya: Dragon quest and Final Fantasy
Why does Kaya usually play happy songs and not his darker ones at anime conventions?
Kaya: *to the guy asking the question, in Lady Gaga cosplay* You are really cool, I like your Lady Gaga cosplay.
I always thought the anime crowd would like more bright happy stuff. Since Schwarz Stein is a lot darker than my solo project you may be
surprised to see that side of me. Are you ok with dark songs?
Crowd: *cheers*
Kaya: I'm so glad, what a relief!
thank you to Jin Di Giordano !!
Music from the other room started leaking into the room. Kaya did a little dance to one song.
So that was great. Next were the autographs. We got jump the line for being sponsors. It kinda sucked because we had to go first. There were only 4 sponsors for this. Maybe more, I think they just didn't want to be first. Some chicks were checking out Joe's shirt I made with Kaya and Hora’s eyes on it. One of them asked Joe to sign a fan book but we forgot after all the action went down.
So anyways guess who goes first, ME! I got the poster autographed and Joe got New Vogue Children signed. I shook both of their hands. We had to wait a few minutes then they pulled them away from the autographs to take the cheki. It was kinda weird they could of just waited till the end but i think they wanted to test the camera
The first 2 were taken the first day. I had never seen these kind of photos before in real life but they turned out really cute. Kaya was on the left at first but he grabbed Hora by his shoulders and positioned him to the other side. I guess Kaya wanted to get his good side. After that they continued to sign autographs and we waited and watched.
[....waited….and watched…]
Then they took the rest of the Cheki’s. I felt like such a creeper just watching. At one point Kaya waved/ twiddled his fingers at me. It shocked me and I asked Joe if he saw it but he could not confirm because he was on his phone. The feast is in front of you Joe, not on your phone!
After all was done and they were about to walk away I got all in their faces and was like “bye” *waves* They waved and smiled back and everyone followed suit. Then we left.
The next day was the concert. I was still limping but feeling better after taking some aspirin, it may have just have been a placebo effect. I had made this Muffy hat and decided to wear it that day. As soon as I got on the train some guy recognized it right away. I didn't expect that since it was such an obscure reference when there are more than 300 villagers to know.
I think we checked out the dealers room real quick...still lame. So we hung out by where the VIPs were suppose to line up at. We were able to hear the sound check, which was cool. Maybe an hour later we started seeing people line up so we go ahead and get in line. Not much happened in line. I think some girl was making a fuss about her medical problems about being in a concert.
So VIP time! We have to walk all the way to the other side of the convention. They said we could talk to them for 30 seconds but most people just went in and took the photo and left. Professional photo or cheki? I went with professional this time.
Big mistake! I like the cheki better. I was chewing gum too so I made a dumb ass face. The band looks good though. I was wearing my captain eo shirt and Hora was like “Micheal Jackson”
and I kinda laugh and was like “yeah” I shook their hands and said Kaya he was beautiful and told Hora he was cool. HAHA.
So back in line for the concert. We got to go in the sponsor line but it was still not worth it since they were just letting everyone in at once anyway.
The Eyeshine concert was still going on. Luckily they cleared the room before Schwarz Stein. We hurried in and the stage was fucking stupid. It had a catwalk.
But they both utilized it so it turned out OK. Everyone crowded to the left of the stage which was kinda stupid because Hora’s side is where it’s at! We got a good spot on the middle right. Joe took this sweet photo of the stage.
No one has posted any photos yet! Well at least Hora posted this
I really hope AUSA posts video. But I am highly doubting it because Kaya fell down!
Man, it was unreal seeing it. It was like my life flashed before my eyes. I was scared the concert would be over. But Kaya was a champ!
He let out a little scream and did a quick flip and he was up and singing again. He had his foot propped up on the speaker for awhile. When it happened, Hora kinda ran up to him then went to the cat walk. It made me think he was saying “I got this!” Trying to draw attention away from Kaya. Kaya excused himself from the stage and that was when I noticed his shoe actually broke!
Kaya hopped off stage all cute like and the translator came out and did a little back and forth with Hora. He announced a new single.
I think Kaya was really embarrassed, his eyes were really red and he kept looking up. IDK maybe his eyes were always that red…
Kaya came back with duct taped shoes. I was surprised he didn’t have an extra pair.
A photographer asked Joe and I to switch spots because Joe was in all her shots.
[Being “tall” is a blessing and a curse]
At first I was like “hell no” but we switched when Kaya left the stage to fix his shoe.
Whatever, the show started getting bad ass! They both were all over the place. Hora did his head jiggle a few times. During one song he was behind his keyboard and did his crazy stare at me. I think that was when they played Kuro Ageha. It scared me lol. I saw up Kaya’s shorts...looked like red underwear or something. Kaya got on his back and was singing and rubbing all over. I could hardly see that though.
[I remember Kaya covering his crotch several times when putting his leg on the monitors.]
They gave out some roses and Hora teased us with them then pulled them away. He thinks he’s so damn funny. haha. If I can get a set list maybe I can be more specific.
Bottom line the concert was awesome.
So next was the 2nd autograph session.They handed out our “professional” photos while we waited for the band to come back out for the signing. Joe bought more stuff and was able to get another Cheki with them. We got their DVD signed. Kaya initiated the handshake this time. Presenting his hand like he wanted it to be kissed.
So here I am “Creeper” me. I sat on a bench right in front of the signing both and watched them till they were finished. The line was moving very slow so they would just be talking to each other while people slowly got autographs. When Joe got his autographs they pointed out his shirt. It was a shirt I made with the cover of new vogue children.
So then time for the cheki I told Joe to do it. I told him to lean in to Kaya since he was acting all distant and I think it turned out to be the best photo.
After everything I got all in their faces again and was like “bye”. I don’t think any other fans stayed to say bye.
We decided to stick around for the cosplay burlesque. Our sponsor badge got us in front of the line…. Woot!. Since my vision is so bad I needed to be up front. It was actually pretty entertaining. I could of done without seeing the dudes perform, they were nothing to look at. I liked the oogie boogie man, Light and Misa duet, the dude with the tassel on his ass. I really liked the pinkie pie one. She would pop balloons on her body and rub it all over and they switched the song to “I don’t like the drugs” I guess the glitter were her drugs.
We stayed maybe 2 hours but we had to go early since we had to prepare for the tea party the next day! It show got a bit boring because they kept repeating the same people. This nice staff dude high fived me as we left. He had talked to me earlier in the day when Joe left me to get us food. I fail at social interaction though. Sorry dude.
[“Sorry dude.”]
Sunday was the tea party. I still wasn't clear on when it was. We freaked out when Kaya Tweeted something about 9am. We rushed to get ready and took the bus to the convention. I got a lot of weird looks. I get in and ask around to see if we missed it. The first 2 people I tried to ask were being stuck up douches and just flat out ignored me. But then I ask 2 other ladies and they were nice and confirmed that it started at 1.
We just waited around and I got a few compliments on my dress.
Kaya walked by and he was looking so fucking cute!!!! Mmmm Now I knew it was about to start.
VIP got an extra autographed photo which was basically the one in the photo set we had bought.
and they let us inside 5 at a time.
Trouble a brewin’
The way they let people in was bull shit. They started seating people farthest from the stage. So non VIP people got better seats than VIP people. They sat a group of non VIP people blocking my view! One kid was just wearing a plain ass T-shirt! He wasn’t even dressed up!. Luckily the guy we were sitting with complained. It took a while but eventually a dude in charge gestured that we could move to a better table. So I jumped the FUCK up and moved to the best table there. We had a really good view!
Right where Kaya would be singing!
Mmmmm, again.
I would like to thank the dude who complained!
Right on Dude!
The people we were sitting with were pretty nice. We chatted a little.
The table was decorated with black paper flowers and dark chocolate purple Kisses.
Kaya went around to every table and talked a little. They played music in the background. I remember “this is Halloween.”
There was an empty chair right next to Joe and Kaya sat next to him when he came to our table.
One chick gave him a bracelet which he put on right away and wore the whole time. Another chick gave him perfume. One chick said she was a singer and Kaya said he hoped they could sing together sometime...AWW!! The dude said he saw him perform his Chanson in Japan. WOW!. I felt so lame, I had no gift or a cool story.
When it was my turn I said “we love you, my boyfriend REAlLY...REALLY LIKES YOU!
Kaya Was like “oh” *wink* at joe.
I said he saw you the first time you came to the U.S.
and Joe mumbled “PMX” and Kaya was like “PMX-o”
So I think he understood him. Then I said
“We try to see you when you come so please come back to the United States!”
He did a hand gesture like a thumbs up or ok sign and nodded and was like “OK”
I think he said “I'll try” too.
Here is the food we got. Tomato sandwich. Tasted kinda sweet. Turkey sandwich. Macaroons?
and some white chocolate things.
Then I kinda zoned out until the performance. He had to take off his glove and crouch down to get his laptop going to start the first song. It was sweet version Chocolat. It was perfect!!
Then he announced a darker song “Silvery Dark!” I was like, oh shit! my fucking favorite song OMG! Now that was fucking perfect! like original quality perfect! Last song was Transmigration.
He dragged his chair off stage all cute like and got off stage a little and danced but he couldn’t go far, his mic cord was short. The ending kinda made me sad. I can’t remember but he said something about wearing what you like and he’d will still be dressing the way he does like this in 20 years and you should too. Just saying don’t be afraid to be yourself. It was so cute.
So only 3 songs :(
They were selling the cheki at $5 a pop. Damn, i realized now that is kinda a lot but they are one of a kind and I want to support my bro. So I bought 4. They are the cute ones in his lolita dress
and a schwarz stein one they said was from the show the day before. So Joe and I ended up being first again. They announced we would get a photo with Kaya!
Here is joe’s photo... Sexy legs! He ran off with the camera which embarrassed me in front of Kaya because I had to chase him down and get it back. Kaya was a little confused. 
Kaya looks so perfect and cute! He bump into my head with his bonnet and was like “oh”
Then he personally hands you a ‘thank you’ note for attending the tea party. ( with both hands) then Joe and I ran off.
Last look at the stage.
Joe and I then sat in a bar area for a while and we saw Kaya walk by 3 more times with his entourage but didn’t make eye contact. Too Weird.
Then that was it. Our mission was complete!
The final day we had to check out early and leave our bags at the hotel. We took a bus to the zoo. I wanted to see the pandas! This old man started talking to us on the bus about how he didn’t trust his apartment washing machine so he bought a wash board. And he said something about Aids Spreading. We smiled and nodded but got off the bus quickly.
I really didn’t want to see anything here but the Pandas.
We passed an anti social zebra
The baby was in the tree but came down soon after we arrived
We took a million photo’s but this will do.
I just wanted to hang until closing but Joe got sick of looking at Cute stuff.
We were going to go to a pizza place but it didn’t open until 5pm. Who does that?
So we walked into a random place called “Hot N Juicy crawfish.” Joe and I basically got the same thing, ..fried cat fish. But his was better as a sandwich. I didn’t like it. Too much deep fried shit. ughh. And the waiter kept giving me water instead of sprite. I didn’t like that place.
Edit: Fuck this place! I just noticed it was $43!!! WTF!!!!
So we still have a lot of time to kill which I prefered to spend at the Zoo but the only thing left was to pick up our luggage and go to the Airport.
Uneventful, we sat around our gate for like 4 hours until our flight left. When it was finally time they announce some emergency on our plane. Cops came and medics with a stretcher.
This delayed our flight 1 hour! After they got the person off the plane they told us our flight crew were running late! SOAB! We finally got on, the flight was packed. The view of the city from the air. I think we had the same cunt ass flight attendant. Fuck that bitch.
When we finally arrived they told us there was another delay, but it wasn’t a long wait.
Finally back to Kansas City!. I was worn out and ready for this trip to be over!
But not really :( Fuck real life!
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