Friday, December 31, 2010

End Game: MMX

"Here I am now
Not a lot has changed
Nothing' better
Everything's the same"


I'll stop and start this several times tonight.....gotta get this lava lamp warm enough to photograph. Who wants to look at a stagnant lava lamp?


Year was pretty good:

Witnessed the end to a great television series: 24
Had a good run-in with an Independence police officer.
Got the fuck out of dodge and moved into my own place.
Read a bunch of killer novels.
Saw Conan's side show
Made an enemy.
Got a new computer chair with a shifter.
Got in a hissy fit with Time Warner Cable.
Saw my sister three separate times this year.
Discovered Netflix.
Almost had my finger cut off.
Sister brought a new nephew into this world.
Met up with an old acquittance.
Lost a friend to cancer.
Got two new pairs of eyeglasses. First since.....
Saw a few concerts in different area codes.


Wow....what a fucking year!

Oh yeah....and procrastinated like a pro.


Christmas and other shit I've been doing recently

Sister's been waiting on this image....Thanks so much for was awesome watching the show with you.

Stole this from Maria and it is now keeping me company at night.

Besides Mega Desk Maria picked up HEAVY RAIN for me. This game gets my blood pressure sky high, Love it, love it.

Made an addition to the villain clan: A 78' Darth Vader action figure Maria rescued from her grandmother's dilapidated vacant home.
What's in your CD player?

Moi Dix Mois released D+Sect first full album in three whole years and it is FUCKING AWESOME!
Maria found someone to sell their Mon+Amour pendant. I've been secretly taking it from her and wearing it. So wicked.

Something funny I saw walking home one day.

Pain in my wallet!


I can not get enough of this shit! Thank you Netflix!

Drunk People, Come On.

Second edition. The city almost immediately replaced the sign(shocking) but moved it back about three feet, so this may be the end of this topic.

Thursday, December 16, 2010



That is all.

I lied.

Friday, December 10, 2010

[Bathroom art: swastika] Cha's pit-stop

I typically see the people proclaiming their love for the block they reside on or a disgruntle employee's distasteful message to another employee but this one had me at a standstill mid-hand-wash.

I instantly had the brilliant idea of running to my computer and printing out a gay flag and cutting out a circle and doing this:

When I returned later on someone had the sense to anti-fy the know I wonder if the swastika sign was carved by the same person who about a month ago carved "FUCK THE JEWS" above the urinal. At that time I thought it was some sort of rap lyric. Not so sure anymore now.


Thanksgiving break with the sis.

First off, got to go over the new Kit Bond bridge for the first time when driving to Richmond to pick Alicia up from one of her friend's. Also found out my cousin was a foreman on the job. Sometimes I wish I went into construction like a good deal of my family has.

It was chilly as shit that night so I of course made her pump the gas.
Oh brother, where art thou?


Thanksgiving highlights: losing my keys, nephews first, finding out my cousin is separated from her husband. I was a candle lighter at their wedding. I feel sick about it. Apple-wood smoked deer meat.

Alicia blessing the child.

Had to miss Maria's family dinner. Now, I hate to hate on my family's food but fuck it, ours will never hold a candle to Maria's. Oh my god the leftovers she gave me were heaven sent. Can't wait for Christmas!!!

2AM Black Friday game faces.

I remember her face was in this position for about 10 solid minutes straight.

Everyone got what we set out for and even a little extra....a cold.


Took her to The Legends. It was her first time and my second time being there and for the love of god my last time as well. Oak Park all the way. Only good thing to come out of it was experiencing FIVE GUYS' bacon cheeseburger.


Crazy Face

My sister visit was great except that I had to still work while she was here but I think the best part was just hanging out at my place and re-watching The Office on Netflix together.

Miss you already.


Want to thank her for getting my into Angry Birds too.