and I was surprised to find out the Renaissance Festival takes place out there.

Another thing, what the hell is The Legends? I'd like to go back to that place in the dead of winter.

They had some fancy pants biker's restaurant with American Choppers propaganda plastered everywhere. Made me think of the radio interview I heard on the Rock, not too long ago, talking to the Sr. about the break-up between him and his son. Seemed kinda serious but everyone(the family/producers) was on board to give them a chance with a spin-off show Sr. vs. Jr.
WTF....I used to dig the shit out of the show when it was on Discovery but once they moved to TLC I stopped watching entirely.
Speaking of my disheartening feelings on television shows I heard some old ass(2009) interview with ex-TAPS member Donna spilling the beans on some trickery that went on during the filming of Ghost Hunters. To be honest the EVPs on the new Ghost Adventures episodes have been getting too fucking clear. I'm at the point where I almost don't want to watch these programs anymore and stick to reading books.
Funny thing too is the other day I watched Quiz Show on Hulu.

Damn, Charles Van Doren was good-looking.
At the very end the message was clear from the INDUSTRY: Hey, who cares if we lie and cheat behind the scenes, THIS IS ENTERTAINMENT, WERE YOU ENTERTAINED?! YEAH, WELL LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE THEN!!

Major snore-fest. Sorry, love technique but it just went on far too long. The video the were using for their backdrop just reminded me too much of the Renaissance Fest and couldn't help being amused by that.
Watch Chino dodge a shoe to the face like a ninja.
Shit was insane! Great songs and tons of energy from a much healthier looking Chino.
d'espairsray: Hiatus
12012: Possible Hiatus
Psycho le Cemu: Come back please!

At least for this cool cat.
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