Mas Pinatas
It's been awhile but I thought Pedo the Pooh needed some love.
Went thrifting. Some of my favorite finds that I didn't have the heart to purchase.
Open Mic Jesus
No paranormal energy here. :(
Vinyl night in the Sin Den.
This huge ass Last Supper resides behind the TV. Really wanted to find or have made a large nuclear bomb explosion poster but this will have to do. Apostle James looks like an alien with a bad toupee.
Pre-ordered RockBand 3 and Black Ops today. Set for the winter that lies ahead.
Shout to all peeps who shared kind gestures and gifts with me. About to crack open a caffeinated cold one. Thanks Mark ;)
Rumor Mill
April: Vegas with a chance of exist-hot-as-shit-with-a-voice-like-silk-trace.