...or something like that.
Got the D'espairsRay tickets in the mail. Shiny! Also smoothed things out with Boss Man and noticed today that their band's Facebook threatened cuts in the U.S. tour if ticket sales didn't pick up speed. I'd like to see the capacities of these venues.
I'm not afraid of looking ugly
I couldn't care what they say
I'm not afraid of happy endings
I'm just afraid my life won't work that way
I'm not afraid of forgiveness
I'll absolve you everything
I'm not afraid of lying...
But I am afraid of dying
Was going to submit this to PeopleOfWalmart but it just felt too staged and I think I've seen something similar on there before.
Looks like me when Maria kicks me out of the bedroom except for the muscles on this fellow. Damn he looks fit.
When I am queen I will not wait, my body type will still be great
I will not leave it up to fate, because I hate you, too
When I am queen they all will see the patron saint of self-injury
The glitter sores will heal themselves, I'll play the part of someone else
I will not leave it up to fate, because I hate you, too
When I am queen they all will see the patron saint of self-injury
The glitter sores will heal themselves, I'll play the part of someone else

Children round the world,
put camel shit on the walls
They're making carpets on treadmills,
or garbage sorting
And it's no game
put camel shit on the walls
They're making carpets on treadmills,
or garbage sorting
And it's no game