Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Best birthday surprise!

Got the surprise of a lifetime with an unannounced visit from my sister to be with me on my birthday.


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Monday, October 19, 2009

Ego scales my skin.

[Good things from the USPS]


One set of concert tickets. The other set is going to be lame ass will call. Still waiting on that ultra cool VIP authorized shirt. *yawn*

My awesome sponsor level* T-Shirt. Could they have used a more bland font? Wowzers.

The hippiesk pin that come along with it. I can dig it.


Also GH: Van Halen arrived today. This officially surpasses GH:Metallica. Personally I think this is the best release Guitar Hero has put out. This is just my biased opinion, carry on.


Side note: Trent Reznor was married over the weekend.
[@dannylohner: goths the world over will mourn this day- off to a wedding....]


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Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Suicide in ailse 9, bring a mop."

The other morning I stumbled across these well put together advertisements advocating suicide awareness. These are pretty bad ass, better than that idiotic Christian rhetoric I sometimes find left on top of the urinal.

I found them all over the place, but the one place I loved finding them at was in the liquor department. One liquor salesman was furious and demanding they be removed for he claimed, the depressed population was his bread and butter. This guy's great.
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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

¡Más pinatas!

Apparently I was wrong about these things not being a 'hit' at the store. Another bizarre shipment has arrived.

¡EspojaBob EsquareyPants!
¿Dónde está la Bikini Bottom?

Yeah, I'm feeling your "O" mouth SpongeBob. Just what is that? Rocket? Cake? Muff?

Reject character from an old Atari game?

Boy with stubby arms can't play his guitar. I feel for thi...wait..what...WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING DOING TO THAT BOY?!?!
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