*starting up GnR's November Rain*
I have that amazing deva vu feeling right now. Last year as soon as I bought everything for Vegas, both Kaya and Dir en grey announced their plans to come to America. Luckily I had some good time to gather money and make all three events a reality. Now here's 2009 and Kaya is making a miraculous return to America in November again and I take care of that whole situation and I am thinking I'm on easy street. Me being a naive boy has Dir en grey completely out of my mind. "Oh, to hell with them, no way they'll tour America this year." Then came that nonsense about a Brazilian festival show. Little weird......then came the Ticketmaster Houston fiasco which was about a week before the Brazil date. I was so confused. How the hell were they going to be in the southern US then hopscotch to Brazil. Serously I was thinking it was an error like that crazy Ticketmaster fuckup sometime early last year. I was all wrong(nothing new there) and now here they come again. Actually I believe they've done right for themselves by limiting their stops and sticking around where the money is good i.e. NYC, LA. I would have donated my right testicle to be able to see them in NY, but goddamn JAY-Z has closed that door for me.

| Warehouse Live | Houston, Texas |
| Trees | Dallas, Texas |
| Chácara do Jockey | São Paulo, São Paulo |
| The Blender Theatre at Gramercy [NIGHT 1] | New York City, New York |
| The Blender Theatre at Gramercy [NIGHT 2] | New York City, New York |
| The Blender Theatre at Gramercy [NIGHT 3] | New York City, New York |
| The Metro | Chicago, Illinois |
| The Gothic Theatre | Englewood, Colorado |
| House of Blues (Sunset Strip) [NIGHT 1] | West Hollywood, California |
| House of Blues (Sunset Strip) [NIGHT 2] | West Hollywood, California |
| The Fillmore | San Francisco, California |
[>Right here I was going to insert some funny Kanye West gag about how Miyavi was having one of the best world tours ever but I just saw the numerous American shows prematurely announced has been reduced to just three. Ouch!<]
I could only do the beta dates. Still don't see what's so exciting about Texas to be honest with you. One of the venues also has some age restriction which is making some of the young all up in arms on Twitter. These shows could totally be shaved off their tour, so a little uneasy about my decision to go this route. Chicago and Denver were just too insane and LA isn't happening because I'll be trying to hump Kaya's leg that weekend. Just hope he doesn't pull a Reznor. Would be crushed.
All in all this is going to be great, so says the oddly colored daises. Be on the lookout for Red, she's going to all (-Br) the shows!!