Yes, finished the last of the four Odd Thomas books by Dean Koontz. What a rush. Who needs cocaine or
oxycodone when you can stay up all night reading about an unusual young man who can see the dead.
"I see dead people. But then, by god, I do something about it." - Odd Thomas
Had to rush to my local bookstore to pick up the graphic novel IN ODD WE TRUST, that is a prequel to the first Odd Thomas novel. Can't wait to sink my teeth(eyes) into that Prime Grade meat(book)
Also got the last in the trilogy to Dean Koontz's Frankenstein series, Dead and Alive. Just how will Deucalion destroy Helios if he's been conditioned to not harm his creator. The questions mount.

Not so fast though, need to finish the third Splinter Cell book CHECKMATE, that I started yesterday.

Before finishing the day, had to stop by Half Price books, not much going on there today. Purchased the second book in the AREA 51 series.
Big whoop.
Actually went out today to take advantage of the tax free weekend this state offers to buy a net book. You know something to watch movies when I want to be a lazy fuck and not want to get out of bed. Take on the road, read
ebooks and
manga on. At
wallmart they had a table with about 4 or 5 on display. One had Michael Jackson videos playing on it. This was early in the morning and the place was dead so you could hear it all the way in the check out lanes. One of my most pleasant trips to the super center.
I wanted this Dell mini 10, but got discouraged. Oh well, another time.
Plans to see NIN in September are in the can. Just the waiting game now.