Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Nine Inch Nails - Starlight 05.27.2009

From NIN - 05.27.2009 Starlight
Arriving at our final destination

From NIN - 05.27.2009 Starlight

Maria not yet photo ready.

From NIN - 05.27.2009 Starlight
Got the tickets. The only will-call I've ever been to that was efficient.

From NIN - 05.27.2009 Starlight
I just love those little reminders that life is so fragile.

From NIN - 05.27.2009 Starlight
Merchandising is in full effect.

From NIN - 05.27.2009 Starlight
I think this is where I was when I saw Annie here, some years ago.

From NIN - 05.27.2009 Starlight
Being herded. Butterflies in stomach moment.

From NIN - 05.27.2009 Starlight
Sneaking a shot.

From NIN - 05.27.2009 Starlight

From NIN - 05.27.2009 Starlight
Now I know they said there was a relaxed filming policy on this tour but this guy had to of worked for National Geographic or Animal Planet before. He made me think I was about to see antelope running across the stage or something.

From NIN - 05.27.2009 Starlight
Nine Inch Nails security telling the guy to tone it the fuck down.

Here's video from some guy right up in front. Love this intro.

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