"Get busy living, or get busy dying." -"Red"
I forgot to mention the jacket Maria screen printed. She always makes me one for the tours we embark on. This was the fourth.

I had the weirdest dream last night.
Saw V
and Reading:
the first 20 Chapters of The Taking - Koontz
Will result in one fucked up nightmare.

Continue to Seattle. We got to Seattle very early. Drove by the venue and saw a few people in line. Did early check in, showered and kinda relaxed a little. Figured we could get in early because we heard about the 21 and older early entrance[OH, THE PERKS OF BEING OLD ENOUGH TO BUY ALCOHOL]. We went ahead and still waited in line just in case. The Showbox walk a long ass way from our hotel but Joe dropped me off and there was about 20 people in front of us. The first two people waiting in line were by the venue door but the rest of the line was lined up way further back so I was kinda confused on where to line up so I talked to them and they seemed friendly but then i soon realized they were the same two bitches from St. Louis who cut the fucking line after leaving it for a long ass time. ?ITCHES. Everyone else seemed nice. As for the weather, it wasn't too cold.

The area was pretty active with bums and a lot of people. This one bum kept me entertained for a while, I think he kept yelling at his beggar sign because it kept blowing away. A man walked by and gave people some Starbucks cake, I didn't get any, yuck. I think the bum wanted some but didn't get any and he bragged about having some Oreo's instead but i think the Oreo bag was really empty. Kinda reminds me of the punk bum in San Fran who took the whole pizza box as soon as someone put it on top of the trash can, he just came out of nowhere and swooped it up. I am not sure if I mentioned that before.
Well anyways, another bum joined him and I think they were trying to put on a show by juggling fruit but the other bum wouldn't let him touch any of his fruit. Some cops eventually came and told the bums to leave and started giving everyone shit about lining up, but I guess it was cleared up by a bunch of complaining.
One kid came around and numbered people like they did in San Francisco. I was number 14. After that people seemed to move around more freely. I wasn't going to torture myself and decided to leave the line for a while. I think it was around noon. Joe had already scoped out the place after leaving me a bunch before. He had noticed a candy apple and chocolate shop, so we went there.
We brought some Gourmet candy apples. I really wasn't too impressed with them but they were good but not $12 good. We came back around and entered this place called Pikes Market or something and it was pretty neat We brought some sort of meat on a stick and saw these guys throwing fish around and there were street musicians. We just walked around and window shopped.

Here's Joe in front of some neat magic shop. We also got a penny souvenir from the place. I really don't know where it is at now.
We did some more walking around and I bought this silver dragon ring. It is cute but i think i paid too much for it. I just kind felt sorry for the old Asian lady selling it. She told me it would bring me double the luck. I sure could use luck but so far i dub her a liar. Still a cute ring though.
Well we had been gone for maybe an hour and when we came back the line was moved to the other side of the side walk, which was dangerously close to the street. So we squeezed back in.

Kinda shows the line The ugly bitch with the red hair is one of those St. louis cutting bitches. She was really hugging on that other bitch. I think they were those butch type lesbians. (Not the sexy type) But they would get another lucky break ( not wait in line) because soon after we came back this guy came out and gave the first 50 people a ticket to leave the line and not come back till 6:30. So we were excited because we could explore the city and just come back later. So we walked around.

So right next to here Joe dragged me to this aquarium. I really wasn't to interested in going but $30 bucks later we were in.
The first thing we saw was the octopus'
A lot of old people securing the place, I felt like I was in prison.Then we touched some star fish and other aquatic life.

Fish dome place

not sure why this is here

I made Joe sit on this.

Walking under fish

Funny fish

Smiling fish

There was a place with birds too.

Huge ass seals

otter place

Joe and an otter

So then we walked more and went into a Mexican looking shop and it was run by this gay guy. That was weird then we walked all the way back to the hotel. The streets were fucking busy.
When we finally got back we had a few hours so Joe took a nap because he had really been up by that time for maybe 35 hours.
So we walk back after a while and crowded back together again and I asked the cutting bitches what was going on and one of them snapped "You're back there." and I was like ,"Yeah I know. I was just asking you a question." So then everyone had suddenly turned into bitch mode. I was still relaxed because i figured i could still get in early through the bar or through this early ticket line. I didn't start to panic until we found out we couldn't pick up our will call tickets till the doors opened.
Once again FUCK YOU PREODER WILL CALL!!!!!! So we ended up buying tickets through a scalper.
and the 50 first people got to go in first before the bar people.

There are too many screen shots to post but here are a few. This is the show where Toshiya pours water on the guards head. I went ahead and finally posted video's and one of them is in there
I would prefer if anyone wants to see it to go to my youtube channel and watch them in hq. I have a cool clip from each show.http://www.youtube.com/user/sailormanson
I am just being really lazy right now. But great show what can I say .
We walked back and saw alot of bums sleeping outside.
Took a few pictures.

The next show was Denver and we had one day in between to drive the 19 hours it would take to get there.
This would be the worst drive for Joe because he was probably totally worn out by now.
We went to sleep that night without food.
Man when I wrote my last post i was being pretty lazy. I forgot to mention how i assaulted some bitch. Well when we got inside the Show Box there were these bitches behind me who kept saying "I am getting in front, they don't know how crazy I get" She was going to try to get in front of me and the girl next to me. The girl next to me wanted to lock arms but i told her she probably wants an arm free to put in the air. I know I did because my other hand had my camera. So anyways this bitch was trying really fucking hard to get in she was jumping and pushing her leg in between me and the girl next to me. I guess she used to much strength and eventually i heard her tell her friend "I can't" and she got pulled out. Haha dumb bitch shouldn't have used so much energy! Well anyways so her friend tried to get in between me and Joe after that by elbowing me and putting her hand on the barricade. So i tried to move her hand and she started scratching me. Oh no fuck that !! I pulled out a pin I was wearing and started stabbing her fucking hand. She stopped after that but then i kept feeling someone bonking my head later on pretending it was accidental but it wasn't too hard so I was like oh well I am trying to watch the show and I had a big pom pom on my hat that softened the blow but after about 3 times she stopped because she realized it had no effect on me. Then towards the end this fat Asian chick behind me aggressively tried to get in between me and Joe, I turned around with my fist up because I was about to punch her and I was like " What the fuck are you doing!" It was funny becasue she suddenly looked up in the air like it wasn't her. That was funny because i scared her. it might have been the same girl i stabbed, I am not sure. I just wanted to mention that. ================================== |
Colo-fuckin-rado! First we must pass through Wyoming (WhyOMG- Why god?)

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