Had a new power steering pump and finally the starter which has been in my trunk for months put on today. Gave my father a break and had a mechanic do the job. I sure wasn't. Too prissy for such work. Thanks Jose the Mechanic. I wont raise your taxes!!

[ I have mad Microsoft PAINT editing skills ;) ]
Went to a friend's show the other day and ran into a co-worker who was mugged two days before this. I put him on suicide watch after seeing him and made bets on his life when he didn't show up to work the next day. I lost though, apparently he had a seizure. Yeah right, Gary.

Up close shots of my keyboard. Very useful when spamming JROCK bands' message boards, emails, or blogs.

Waiting for Call of Duty : WORLD AT WAR

Who left the Dew in the freezer?!?! Oh yeah, me.

Halloween Par-tay Preview:
I'm going for the candy apples and to regulate the kiddies candy sacks.
Where we stand:
Everything is paid for or is reserved for the hellashish trips this NOV/DEC.

First up is my Kaya deflowering. My only gripe is that LAX doesn't offer their lockers anymore for luggage. Thanks a lot Osama!!!!!
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