It has to start somewhere It has to start sometime
What better place than here, what better time than now? -RATM
Yeah, I better get going on this before 2010. This time I'm going to let Maria do the talking for me and I'll through in commentary here and there in a different color font. I might even censor some of her words because quite frankly she can be very harsh when it comes to her trying to cope with social interaction. Hope she doesn't mind.
What a fucking blast we had together.
I'm going to start at the tail end of her entry of her NIN recap.

Mark looking at the stage.
I tried to upload a video too but youtube sucks.
I was nervous about the camera because I kept seeing the band looking at me. Even when Mark had the camera he said the same thing!
It was cool Trent had this big ass hole in his shirt like his buff ass couldn't fit it. The set was missing a bunch of songs they played last time we saw them in St Louis. In his speech he joked about Jeordie White and an ipod update. It was funny.
Nothing really different happened. I can't really think of much to say about it. Well we started on our way home. When we were almost there, we ran into a big fire on the highway. So we had to wait on it for like 30 minutes. This car was burnt to a crisp. Then we stopped at wal-mart and Mark brought the game Left 4 Dead. They were planning on pulling an all-nighter but everyone just fell asleep. [YEAH, WHILE WAITING ON AN UPDATE WE ALL STARTED SNORING. GOOD TIMES!!]
Alright, so onto Sunday. Dir en grey in Sauget. Mark decided to go with us. We left the house at midnight and got to Sauget at around 5:30 a.m. It was a 24 hour bar/club so we just waited watching these drunks stumble out for a few hours. People were stumbling out even at around 8am! [WILDEST SHIT I'VE SEEN IN ALONG TIME] Well at some point these girls started lining up I think maybe around 8. I am not sure So we decided to get behind them, but then 2 people got in front of them becasue they talked there way in front because they got there earlier. Which i didn't mind becasue I had seen them walking around earlier. Then like around noon two more [W]itches came out the bar and jumped them becasue they said they got there around midnight. They pissed me off because they weren't even waiting in the cold but just jumped the line, then later they both left for like 5 hours and came back right before the show started and jumped the line. So I would say they only waited in the cold 4 hours total during that 19 hour wait. They pissed me off.
These drunks came out around 10 am maybe and kept rambling about shit and being stupid. One drunk was impressed by the girl next to me's hair and she took off her weave for some reason and kept hugging the girl and she hugged me once I am not sure why. They hung around there for 20 minutes and kept me entertained and the drunkest bitch was the one who drove them all away! [HAHA!]
I tried to be social with the girls in front of me and they seemed cool but then some of the people behind came and started talking to them and they all started talking shit about the fan base and pronunciation of the band names, anti-lolita style, anime style and fan girls. I am not sure why they say they hate fangirls when they all act like them. You know same old shit talking bullshit i hear at every concert! [SOMETIMES I'M HAPPY TO HAVE NO ONE TO TALK TO IN LINE. THANK GOD FOR SOLITAIRE ON THE IPOD......IM LONELY...TALK TO ME!! ='( ] They were telling tales of line jumping and other fan violence horror stories from the other shows they went to a few days before. It had me worried because I hate trying to protect my glasses.So i just didn't talk anymore because no one had anything nice to talk about.
I have to continue this later....
It wasn't super cold that day...... a woman who said she was with a magazine and took every's picture so maybe that will show up somewhere. Midway through Joe and I went inside the bar to play air hocky but a woman said we had to leave when we were done. Mark ripped a Dir en grey poster off the wall for me because I was to paranoid to get it but i am glad he got it .The line never got very long even right before the doors opened. I saw a few people I see on forums and livejournal but i was sensing alot of negative vibes from everyone so i didn't talk to them or say hi.
I was glad the line was controlled and there wasn't cutting. An ambulance came right before the doors opened I guess a kid passed out from waiting in line, I am not sure. [I ALMOST FORGOT THAT. WHAT A TRIP. ONLY AT A JROCK CONCERT]
There was this rodie I had to take a second look at because he looked just like Kyo from a far but I knew it wasn't him. He was the same height and had blonde hair and similar face. I was like is that his decoy?
When we got in they didn't pat us down or say anything about camera's. [SWEET!] The stage and place was pretty small. Surprisingly no one wanted to stand in front of Kyo so we stood right in front of him and it was amazingly close to the stage. [IT WAS SWEET, THE 8-10 PEOPLE IN FRONT OF US WENT THE LEFT AND RIGHT OF THE STAGE AND THERE WAS THIS SWEET ASS SPOT RIGHT IN MIDDLE. I THOUGHT I WAS DREAMING. THE THREE OF US FIT PERFECTLY IN THE SPOT.] The first band was loud and I was sleepy. He kept swinging the mic stand in front of the crowd and i kept jumping back because I thought it was going to hit me. Well anyways fuck them, they spam my myspace bulletins too much!
Eventually Dir en grey came out.
It was such a awesome show. [INDEED]
Agitated Screams of Maggots
Spilled Milk
Ryoujoku no Ame
Agitated Screams of Maggots -unplugged-
auidence KILLER LOOP
Merciless Cult
I didn't really go crazy because I was just trying to absorb all the details of the show. I also know no matter how loud you scream or reach for Kyo you can't get a reaction from him. It never really seems real when I see them live. All I can really remember is how smooth and white Kyo's torso was and the details of his abs. I don't find him attractive but I just seem to remember that and his swollen looking eyes. He never really seemed to open them but when he did he would just stare at noone. The vocals seemed really low most of the time and he got away with grumbling the lyrics alot.
The crowd wasn't too crazy. This girl who won the meet and greet and knows who Joseph is tried to get in front of him and he asked me if she could and I was like WTF! hell no!! But I could hear her complaining alot. I guess it wasn't enough for her to meet the band, how ungrateful. I don't know why she would think he should do that. 2 girls behind me were talking about pushing through and starting fight but they never did but when I was leaving I saw them and they were these big [W]itches!. I know they had to be bigger then me. I got my hair pulled a little and someone kept grabbing my scarf, but I think they were just trying to hold on to me.
Toshiya was where all the action was at, he really seems to be enjoying the crowd he was very active at reving up the crowd. I never really looked at Die, only a few times when he came up close to the front of the stage. For Shinya I had a really good view. He seems so powerful when playing the drums but just so quiet and shy off of them. Kaoru Just really stood there most of the time probably because he has to be concentrating more on his instrument. But i got great video when he came to the front of the stage. Overall the show is maybe the best one I have been to and I am glad Mark came with us to experience it.
I was able to get the whole show on video mostly for audio ripping purposes but i uploaded a clip of the end of audience killer loop.
I am not sure if that is a song they commonly play. I had been dying to hear/see conceived sorrow live and I finally saw it. I read about this moment he just sings a part without the microphone. It was so powerful to see him do it right in front of me. I watched the video I took of it and it gives me goosebumps. People almost ruined it by screaming but luckly they shut up quickly. During merciless cult he said St. Louis. a few times and when I was watching the video I think he grumbled it at the end of the song too. I think he said "thank you st. louis", but grumbled. I also remember Kyo headbanged but then stopped and grabbed his forhead. Then a few times after he kept wiping his nose. I thought he had a nose bleed or something but he looked distressed. It made me feel a little sad because I imagine it is probably a little painful to perform and scream everynight.
At the very end it looked like Kyo did some simple sign language but i can't make it out from the video I captured it was just like a chest pound head touch, something like that.
Also I must note that i saw Toshiya chest pounding and pointing at someone and i looked over and he did it to Mark because Mark said they both chest pounded at the same time and Toshiya noticed and pointed to him and did it again. That was pretty neat.[THAT WAS A HALLMARK MOMENT]
The end of the show to Toshiya hung his bass from the low celing and left it there. Kaoru and toshiya were throwing water on everyone and Joseph caught the water bottle toshiya threw out. I am not sure what to do with it though. Shinya was the last to leave and I rushed to the merch both and Mark came from behind and said he found a Die pick on the floor and he won't give it to me :( Douche.
Well i brought the shirts and hoodie and 2 cd's This kid we call "the encyclopedia kid" (because he acts like he knows everything [ABOUT EVERYTHING] at every show) just jumped in front of me when I was pulling out my money and joked "saving up?' because I had this wad of cash but then the kid tried to take the last size of the shirt i was buying, what a douche. The booth guy ignored him and gave it to me.
So right after I saw Shinya and Toshiya signing and Mark wanted to do it so I gave my cd to him and Mark and Joe got the cd's signed. I had a clear view and took a picture and the translator yelled at me. I still had my camera out because i was waiting to take a picture of Mark and Joe by them but she yelled at me again so I put it away. I will add more if I remember anything. We got home around 4 and Joe got an hour of sleep before he had to go to work at 6.
This show was so good I don't even want to see the other shows I am going to. I just can't wait to hear Kyo say San Francisco. Too many syllables. I really hope I get to see Namamekashiki ansoku performed or the pledge, I don't think that song has happen recently though.
I uploaded some screen shots of the Dir en grey show

These's pictures below are from when he sung the part without the mic. It was Beautiful!![*cry*]

Everyone Got quiet when Toshiya made that gester.

His hand went down his face, like he was saying "SHHHHHH"

Kaoru At the end of the stage

Good shot of Die

Everyone Headbanging

Die came up Close

When Kaoru was next to Die

Kaoru on the other side

The END :(

That sign language I was talking about


Toshiya hanging it up

He is flexing

Bad ass!!

Kaoru and Die throwing picks out

Shinya about to throw some sticks out

There it goes!

Last to leave the stage.