Yea, another re-installation of the Windows operating system for me.
I refuse to purchase Windows 8.
Live Tiles? No thanks.

A little over a month ago, Nintendo set up demos for games they showed off at E3 in Best Buys across the nation. Me and Maria just had to go for the free swag. We were four people behind the last person to receive the Luigi cap. Little upset by that. I'm not watching the kid try out the HD version of Windwaker, I am staring at his hat and plotting thievery. My pickpocking skill is now "legendary" in Skyrim, so watch out. We took our two minute turn after an hour and half wait to try Super Mario 3D World.
First impressions: Just like with New Super Mario Bros. Wii, playing with 3 other players is difficult. You find yourself accidentally picking up and carrying your comrades.
Street Pass explosion!
Manson has been out there touring like a mad man since Born Villain dropped early last year.

Sandstone is still hanging in there, by god.
They actually did the VIP's a solid at the show. When I made it in, there was this area cordon off with caution tape right in front of the barricade. I was confused as hell until I saw the VIP's file in after their meet and greet with Alice Cooper and Manson.
They had Lawrence's local HAMMERLORD open up the festivities.
Haven't been in Omaha since 2007 and being there again brought back some glorious memories. I vividly remember being in the very back of the Sokol and watching Deftones perform Beware and feeling my whole body vibrate from the music. Goddamn, I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it.
We bought the VIP package for this show specifically to have Manson sign Maria's 3DS.
Regrets 2013
Love the exposure he received playing at AX but where the hell were his dancers. It is not a Kaya show when there is no one gyrating next to him.
I was super exciting to hear Manson changed up his setlist that night when they played Four Rusted Horses. At the time, I felt pretty smug about myself. Then five shows later they played Disassociative for the first time in almost fucking FOURTEEN years! According to YouTube videos, Manson did a good job with the vocals.
Love that parting kiss.
Regrets 2013
Love the exposure he received playing at AX but where the hell were his dancers. It is not a Kaya show when there is no one gyrating next to him.
Extra Credit