I just saw fucking Moi Dix Mois at Sakura Con!
We first found out about this with very short notice and when they announced MdM, preregistration had just closed a few days before. WTF?!
[WTF?!]We were already planning a big trip for exist trace, but fuck it, we went ahead and booked our flights anyway. I had always regretted the first time we missed them. Skip ahead right after coming off seeing exist trace, we were off to Seattle on April 5th as soon as Joseph got off work.
I dreaded the security check. I always get so paranoid about breaking the rules. I swear to god, Joe gets stopped every time and the TSA claims it is just a random check. FUCKING BULLSHIT!!! It isn't random! He got stopped after the metal detectors and then again right before we got on the plane. So, fucking twice!!
[Yeah, that second time was just straight bullshit. Three people to go through one carry-on. No wonder the TSA fee just jumped from $5 to $10 per ticket.] It was so obvious they were discriminating. It is embarrassing when they treat such a nice guy like a criminal. They just judge people by appearance but if they could really look into ours souls they would have stopped me for being so evil, haha! Well anyways.
Luckily this was a non stop flight but is was also unlucky too because my ass was hurting the entire 4 hours flying there. So cramped and also Joe was in the wrong seat. He is losing his mind! I had to argue with him to correct him. He kept saying I was wrong and I kinda agreed but then I was like no you're wrong! It was kinda funny but scary how unreliable his memory has been lately.
[Does not compute.]
I played my DS in flight, performing surgeries on Trauma Center.
We got there pretty late so we caught a shuttle to the nearby Days Inn. I think the lady upgraded us to their Jacuzzi suite. We were both like super amazed by the room. It was like an apartment! It had a mini kitchen, living room, King bed in the bedroom, huge bathroom with a Jacuzzi!! It was crazy! Unfortunately, we were only going to be there for a sort time.
[Best $60 motel/hotel outcome ever!!]
We ordered some local crappy pizza. Aaron's Castle? ...and got in the Jacuzzi for a short time.... I had never been in one and I don't really see what all the fuss is about, I wasn't really impressed by it. I stayed up late and only got 3 hours of sleep before it was time to leave. I drank some coffee the next morning, stowed away a complimentary muffin, and we took the 6AM light rail to downtown Seattle which took about 40 minutes. From there it was a short walk to the registration area.
Registration started at 6am so we were kinda late but I was surprised by the amount of people up that early for this. This was the most miserable part of the convention. It took 4 FUCKING HOURS !!!!!!!! .....just to get our badge!!!!! fucking ridiculous!!
[Throughout the rest of the time at the con, Sakura-Con's twitter would post pictures of an empty registration room, encouraging people to head down and register. I wanted to strangle someone.] I thought I was going to pass out, it was hot and of course the people right in front of us took for fucking ever because they were arguing about being minors and the old people they were with weren't their guardians or something. When they finally finished, people in our line started clapping as they were leaving. Come one people, get your shit together! Know what you need when you come!!
[Events like this make me believe in a cruel God.]
So after we finally got our badges it was just about time for opening ceremonies and I was hoping to get my first glimpse of Mana in real life.
We were kinda far back but I recorded video when Moi dix Mois talked but I was screaming so loud but I found this picture was from hnato or whosoever blog.
[Maria aint got time to learn your name]
Right after that was their Q&A. We just waited around until a line started forming. We were maybe 20 people back, IDK. The person behind me had this neat Malice Mizer era Mana cosplay. Doing a search this might actually be her..
[Creeper o.O]
It was pretty good, I have nothing bad to say about it.
We saw the band enter the room a little bit before but I wasn't fast enough to take a photo. Didn't really get many photos there, I just figured that would be that case but I hoped at least one photo would surface from each event. We finally went in and you just kinda got to pick your own seat. I was like 3 rows back and had a pretty good view.
I did get audio but basically this chick summarized everything.
[ http://shattered-tranquility.net/index.php/05/30/sakura-con-qa-panel-with-moi-dix-mois/ ]
It was very unorganized they had like 3 translators. K did some talking for Mana. A lot of time was wasted with all the confusion. I think the guy next to me got the best reaction to a question. He asked if K enjoyed screaming and K was like "YEAH!" I thought that was funny and when someone asked Mana his influence and said Slayer and gave the horns, cute reaction.
[I loved the fact that the guy who asked K his question was a midget cosplaying as a Hunter from Left4Dead. That whole situation was just so surreal.]
He also had to cover his mouth at one point because he almost laughed, I think it was when someone asked them each to describe the band mate next to them. Other than that, Mana was pretty stone faced. It was very unreal to me staring at Mana. Like looking at a photo.
Right after that was autographs. Joe might have his own experience he will add later but when I got up there I was so excited to see Mana willing to shake hands! Very nice of him. I was getting my philosophy book signed. I shook hands with all of them and when I got to K he pointed at my Mon+Amour pendant and was like "ah Mana" and I was like "ha, yeah :D " and then I got to Mana. The first thing I noticed up close was his stubble!! Other than that, it was like he just jumped out of a promo shot. He had so many rings on. I shook with both hands and said "Thank you so much" He sorta smiled and nodded. I remember the feel of his lacy gloves and he looked me right in my eyes as I shook and thanked him, and I got the feeling he truly appreciates his fans. I looked at him as I walked away, he looked over to the next person and kind of shrugged his shoulders because K was still talking to the next person.
So that was my short experience. I felt a little empty by Mana's reaction, because he had no reaction since he wouldn't talk or smile. That was to be expected but very unusual. [Everyone was polite but Sugiya was first to point out my NIN hat. I have yet to replace my plain black military cap after my previous one became unwearable. Seth seemed like such a rock star, Thing is, he didn't do shit. He just had that presence. After that hand shake I was like, "Juka, who??".] [ I still remember my introduction to Mana. Maria had bought the Bara ni Irodorareta Akui to Higeki no Makuake DVD way back in the day. Hell, when I was still using money orders to purchase things off eBay because I had no debit card. Saikai no Chi to Bara.... starts up and Kozi, Yuki, and Mana approach their microphones with roses in their hands. Mana outstretches his arms and whispers into the mic. I have been questioning my sexuality ever since. True story.]
Well afterwords, I think we checked into the expensive ass Red Lion Hotel. We did it so we could get priority wrist bands to the concert. It that registration it was a long ass line. Come on people, how hard is it to show your damn ID and swipe your card!!! We just wanted to relax, we had been carrying our luggage around the whole fucking time and I had had little sleep. I don't even remember what we did after that. There was this "guest dinner" at the Hard Rock Cafe that you could go to for $50 but there was no guarantee Moi dIx Mois would be there so we skipped it.
[Turns out they were there.]
We went to check out the Stereopony concert..... by god, it was awful! I mean come on, the girls were so plain and uninteresting to look at. We stayed like the whole show because I saw Joe nodding his head like he was enjoying it. I heard the singer say something like "ready boys and girls?" and i was like oh god i got to get out of here, I'm totally out of my element here. Joe was pissed at me because he wanted me to tell him when I was ready to leave and I was like WTF, dude you can decide TOO!
[haha, Maria missed all my signals to her I was ready to flee the scene.]
Once in the dealer's room, I bought all the merchandise...obviously.

I forgot to photograph the shirts and posters but I didn't buy their cd's or dvd's but I did buy the album, D+Sect. I was in love with this mug. It is so cute! I was worried I couldn't bring it on the plane and I badly wanted to buy another. I think we ate at Cheesecake Factory. I never had it before but and I knew it was expensive so I had to choose wisely, It wasn't worth the price but we did get a piece of cheesecake and it was pretty damn good but made me a little sick later on.
The next day the concert wasn't going to start till like 7 so we slept like all day. We went to the dealer's room and took a better look around this time. I was hoping to spot some vintage Sailor Moon merch, but the only thing I got were these 3D art plastic posters.
These are official Korean merchandise and they were only like $8 a piece. I was worried I wouldn't be able to fit them in the suitcase, but I managed. I think the price was pretty good for them. Better than nothing, I guess. It was a big dealer's room but from my last Sakura con experience, I knew their wouldn't be much I would be interested in buying. I saw a lot of Sailor Moon cosplayers but the best was probably this Princess Chibiusa and Helios cosplay. I also saw the new GE Sailor Moon body pillow. I was disappointed by the small size of it. I expected it to be much bigger. I also got the new GE season 1 locket patch.
Non Sailor Moon stuff : Joe bought some rings. Mostly just BS I got. I love this little Jigsaw plush, so cute. I bought one of those cheesey top hats. Haha, I liked the Cameo on it.
The tiny Bowser car was $15. I think it was too much but it was cute as well.
We went back to the hotel to drop off the loot. Joe got a call from his bank. They had put a hold on his debit card for unauthorized charges. We assumed because we are out of town but after I checked the bank account, there were in fact multiple charges made from gumtree.com. We had not idea how the fuck they got the card info so we spent like 2 hours dealing with this shit. The bank went ahead and canceled the card, but luckily we still had the credit card, so we were ok.
[What a nightmare even though it was easily handled and corrected.]
I think we started lining up like at like 3. Well, not really lining up but just sitting near the door. We couldn't really line up till 30 mins before the doors opened to the concert. Fuck that, you fucking Nazi's! Eventually we spotted people lining up near the door so we went ahead and started really lining up. I think this group of kids in front of us were really stuck up and looking at me thinking I wasn't cool enough to be near them. They totally moved away from us when we got close to them and looked at me with such disgust. I have never experienced that elitist attitude before at a concert. I was like, "DAAAMMNNNNNN"
Well at least this pretty lolita behind me was nice. She briefly complimented my pants because I had screen printed Moi dix Mois stuff all over them and I complimented her lovely Moi Meme Moitie clothes. So those lolita's aren't all stuck up, and are willing to talk to us common folk.
It was still pretty early when this staff member told us we couldn't line up yet so me and Joe moved away but no one else did so we went right back, but these other kids managed to get in front of us because we had moved..... GRRRRRRRRR~
[CENSORED] rude people bringing shame to the lolita image.
Eventually we got in the room were we are really suppose to line up in and before we entered we were told not to run but I guess these 2 girls in the stuck up group of kids ran so they made them go to the back of the line.
[Ah, snap!!]
I like the rule enforcement during concert lines here! This was a bit extreme, but rules are rules. So our spot in line is looking pretty good judging from that photo, right?
Well first the 2 chicks right in front of us, Frizzy hair and MC Hammer Pants, decide to squeeze 2 large friends in front of them. So we lost 2 small lolitas who went to the back but we gained 2 large people soon after! It just really pisses me off when people cut. I just don't understand what kind of people think it's ok and have a clear conscience about it. ASSHOLES, that's who!! They didn't even look like fans so that made it even worse. Not that big of a deal....room for all of us I guess...we'll be OK......
That's nothing compared to the line fuck that was the disabled folks and the staff who got to go in before everyone. It was at least 50 people. I knew it was going to happen but not to that extent! Fucking joke. Fuck you, sakura con!!!!
So when we finally got in, the 'no running rule' was enforced. I did my fast walk passing MC Hammer Pants and her large friends and damn near knocked down this disabled old women to get a spot on the barricade in front of where K would be. Mana's side had no chance of getting on the rail since it was already full so I went on K's side. I was between a staff member who wasn't a fan and an old disabled woman. This old bitch kept telling me "I'm saving a spot for my son!" Just what i need, her big smelly BO son next to me. Pssh! She even had the nerve to ask the staff for a chair. THAT"S DANGEROUS BITCH! DON'T YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE?!?!?! GTF OUT!!!! I kept inching over to her spot. She even asked the people next to her to move over but they couldn't because there was a lady in a wheel chair next to them!!! Then the old bitch pulls some shit saying "We'll, I'm suppose to be in a wheel chair". Boo fucking hooo, bitch! The whole front row was a fucking joke! I told Joe to stay away from that hypochondriac bitch because she might try to get him in trouble because there was this megalomaniac concert staff asshole there kicking people out left and right.
[I'm totally down with the way events handle the priority entrance with the handicap. BUT for the love of god, don't let them roll themselves to the barricade. Have a designated area away from the shove-fest. I've seen a couple of wheel chairs at Dir en grey shows tap-out after a few songs. That shit is dangerous. I always figured the staff thought the Dir shows would be lollipops and sing-alongs since it's some cartoon Japanese band. No, motherfucker... this shit is serious! What blew my mind was I just saw another wheelchair tap-out at the Manson show. MANSON, NOT HANSON!! At the MdM show, early on, the lady shouted at me that I was bumping into her cane. That killed my mood for a couple of songs but eventually I forgot about her and her problems.]
Not only that, the rail was a fucking mile away from the stage. I knew it was going to be like that from being there before but why MOTHERFUCKERS? WHY is the fucking stage so far away!!! These anime fans aren't going to hurt the band, come on!
Well, the first act went on Kanon Wakeshima ZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZZzzzzZZZZZ Sorry but everything Mana shits out isn't gold. Not as bad a Stereopony. This chick has talent but this was the wrong place for her opening a rock concert??? NO! It didn't get me in the mood at all. The staff member next to me was nice enough to let a fan in front of him which was good, so now we can get this pit started! BRING UP THE FANS!!!!
[Whoa.] That chick was rocking out to Kanon Wakeshima, which I didn't think was possible. haha.
So after my nap, the real shit was going to go down. Moi Dix Mois!
Joe made this set list from my audio. No cameras allowed, as expected.
I was so excited when the logo came on the screen. What can I say, it was pretty cool. Not the best concert I've been to but pretty fun. That old lady just ruined my fun. Her son never came up and she stood there for more than half the show covering her ears and saying "watch my cane, watch my cane".
I think we got a nice spot because K was definitely more animated than Mana was. I mostly watched Seth and Mana.
There was a little Seth rubbing on Mana at some point. Fanservice is always good to see. K stuck out his tongue and did the horns to the jumbo-tron camera. Also taught us this DIX cheer for Sanctum Regnum. They debuted a new song K Said Mana wrote for the 10 year anniversary. Seth twirled around on stage during Pendulum. K taught us the "secret word "Dix Love" for Immortal Madness. This was when Mana brought out a video camera and recorded the crowd. I got really excited when they played Ange, it was the last song but the encore was deus ex machina. That was the shit too!!
[Beyond the Gate, best thing they've put out.] Mana came to our side a few times and I would scream my ass off and I'd also really examine his guitar skills.and stare at him and think.... is this real?
Damn shame every time I looked over at Mana's side, the crowd was motionless. Damn staff members taking the good spots from the fans!! or the lolitas didn't want to mess up their $400 dresses. TAKE THAT SHIT OFF AN GET DOWN BITCHES!!!!! The band don't want to see people just standing there!
As for picks, I left pick-less The reason was the stage was so fucking far away and the picks didn't reach the crowd at all. The staff members kept taking all the picks! There needs to be rules for this stupid shit! I kept asking the staff member to pick them up and get it for me when they landed but the bitch would just turn around and just stare at it while someone else took it. Thanks a lot bitch! From what I remember, I think Mana's picks were red and Ks were white.
Well after that we were both tired and Joe was also grumpy so we didn't eat anything and went straight to sleep.
The next day there was another autograph session. Also it was Easter. We checked out and the hotel held our bags so luckily we didn't have to carry them. We went back to the dealers room and purchased an extra towel and mug. The Asian guy there was fucking happy and was like "you lucky, you got the last one" which I thought was kinda funny by how happy he was.
We just sat around. No real rush, so eventually we line up and they announce that a member won't be there so everyone freaks out. Mana wouldn't do that, would he? They are late but eventually we find out the drummer is missing and they are all dressed casually. Nice to see them in different clothing.
I think he was wearing this

photo from his blog.
So when I was going to get the autographs I came up to the guy selling posters and quickly asked if i could have one of the group posters taped to the front of the table. He was like "what ? what?" and i was pulling it up to show him and was like "this one, this one" pointing at it and then this lady comes out and is like "no, no, no, no!" Well, I gave it my best shot to get one of those damn things. I would have purchased one. I don't know why they didn't sell them because the only posters they had there for sale only had Mana on them and I wanted a group shot for them to sign. So this all happened in front of Sugiya, so I was a little embarrassed but quickly brushed it off. When I got to Seth he signed my thing then loudly and dramatically said "Arigato!" I thought it was funny. K had a fedora hat on, looking all cool and I just shook his hand and said thank you.
[When I reached K, I couldn't help but look at his painted fingernails http://twitpic.com/95dgiw He also didn't have his colored contact in which threw me off. He looked at me all serious and said "Nine...Inch...Nails." I felt like an idiot when all I could think of to reply with was, "Damn right!"] When I got to Mana he signed my thing and reached out his hand to shake. He initiated the shake because I almost forgot to shake his hand, haha. I was nervous because I was going to give him a Eggzorcist Bunny plush for Easter. I know, not the most original idea but I couldn't find anything else to give him for Easter. I thought it looked like him.
Mana posted a picture of the plush on his blog!
After the shake, I pulled out the bunny and said "Happy Easter!". He used both hands and put it to his face like doing a mini hug of the bunny. It was cute..... he still had stubble!
So I had to get this page from the con book signed, only group thing I had left. Joe got a poster signed.
After that I just wanted to watch them leave to conclude my trip. A few other people waited too. The stuck up kids, the nice lolita and an Asian chick. I was surprised more people didn't wait. Every time i got closer to them they would move away, but this time I don't think they did it on purpose. So we were kinda standing behind them.
I saw some guy give Mana the horns and he did it too. That was pretty cool.
This chick took a picture of Mana and the Asian fan waiting ratted her out and told security and made a big fucking deal about it. What a bitch! Now my chances of seeing Mana in casual clothes in a photo is diminished by 1.
We waited a long time and to my surprise they signed for everyone. Anyways, when they finally stood I thought Mana looked funny. Tall and goofy and he wouldn't face the fans waiting for him. Eventually when the band starts walking away the crowd of fans start doing these dumb low golf claps and Mana is looking at them like "How do I respond to that?" WTF was he suppose to do? Bow? and I'm like fuck clapping and I start to wave and immediately Mana started waving at me. :D Then everyone came to their senses and started waving too. Both the band and the fans. Now that's how you say goodbye. Fuck those dumb ass claps!
The group of kids asked for those posters afterwards like I did, but the 'no, no, no, no' lady took all of them, I guess they like to recycle....WTF?
After that we went to the ghetto ass China Town. Everything was abandoned but this one market. Everything was in that place. Food court, grocery store, $1 store, and a book store were all in one building. So we got some random hot food and looked around. The book store was pretty cool. I think it's the same one Joe went to when he went to LA for Kaya or was it NIN?......
We bought some random Asian food and sushi. Not really into sushi but Mana got me thinking I needed some seafood. Then we took the light rail back to the hotel, got our luggage, and light rail'ed it back to the airport then took the shuttle to Red Roof Inn. Nothing fancy about this place. No fucking microwave! We ate our sushi and drank melon soda and prepared our luggage for the security check at 8am the next morning. Security went smoothly. We had a lot of time to kill so we ate some crap ass Chinese food in the airport. It was so gross. I just wanted McDonald's but that was all they had. This flight was shorter somehow,
[It's all about that jet-stream] but I sat next to this nut lady who kept fidgeting and elbowing me. That was basically it.
[What a way to finish it.]
Even though it had it's moments, Sakura-Con is one of the most 'together' anime conventions I've been to. Mad props.