Apparently there is someone new working in the print shop at AWG.
"The fish in the Nile died, and the river smelled so bad that the Egyptians could not drink its water. Blood was everywhere in Egypt."
Exodus 7:21 NIV

Really, TIME magazine.

Third world country conditions or the back yard of a slumlord in Westport?

Backstory: Deftones tickets in KC went on sale back in January. Just like every other band these days, VIP options were made available. http://deftonestix.com/vip Hesitated and the Diamond package slipped away. Bummed, me and Mark settled on the Black package. Low and behold one month later an additional date was added to Denver. Maria pretty much made the call that me and Mark were going to go to Denver. Called Alicia to confirm our hotel reservations and it was game on. Mark scored Diamond and I secured two Blacks(?).

Famous Dave's was delicioso!!
"Spartans! Ready your breakfast and eat hearty... For tonight, we dine in hell!"

Mad parking skills right here!
Before heading to the venue, Alicia wants us to check out a record store and book store that just ended up being to hip for me.

I did however pick up an interesting read.

Who is Funeral Party? Almost like every other opening act, an afterthought.

Decided to take pics to pass the time.
Me looking constipated.
Guy In White is not impressed.

Drunk throws bottle of dew in street/wait for car to run over and cause an explosion of sugary liquid/instead scraggly looking man on bike decides it hold up traffic and stop to pick up said bottle.
I held my ground with Alicia on the balcony while Mark did his shit on the floor.
Took video with my new camera but the sound is god awful. Sticking with my tried and true Canon SD1000 from now on.
....if Mark ever sends me pics of all the shit he got. It's amazing what rewards a little passion and energy(+spray paint) bring.